Any minute now, FL gonna pass a law saying donations can't be used to pay those debts.
Any minute now, FL gonna pass a law saying donations can't be used to pay those debts.
They're using that poor woman to say that voter fraud is rampant. Dig into the DA, bet you she's a conservative.
I am shocked! Shocked I tell you.
Why are white men so angry?
Early episode of Fresh Prince of Bel Air was on TV earlier today, guess who was in it? Motherfucking Donald Trump and his wife at the time. I blame Quincy Jones and the Fresh Prince for starting the normalization of that racist POS.
The fuck does small penis have to do with that?
Mofos are listening and quoting Louie Farrakhan.
Any black man will do.
Bunch of cowards.
“and was unable to capitalize on his strong pace gifting Hamilton a strong P1.”
Is there anything Tesla cars can't do?
“Fox has been cooling on Trump recently”
This clown also calls himself a Christian.
That's why that midget was trending all day? Come in ladies, you can do better
That the POS who was insider trading? Since she didn't face any consequence for that, she's pushing her luck.
Yeah, he can't do that and if he tries he will get sued and lose.
They hate Hamilton around these parts
Hamilton has been winning every fight you assholes keep saying he can't win.
A new statue? Time to tear it down.
By the end of this shortened season, Hamilton will win the driver championship again.