

Borderline? Shit, he's lucky to make the top 15.

Fuck outta here with that shit! Name a trophy after a rapist (allegedly), who isn't in the top 10 of greatest player ever? 

That's what they always do. 

The coach knows what he was doing. 

Once the dollar-flow is back again, tax the fuck out of the corporations”

They're all doing it for one reason, businesses. Business owners who are these people's masters tell them not to issue a stay at home.

I think that's the other black girl rapper.

Cult Musk is as rabid as cult 45.

See, the tweet was for his dumbass, racist followers. See the amount of likes it received.

This clown isn't even 1/100th the man Obama is. He knows that, his family knows that, his handlers know that and his cult followers know it. That's why he's trying to undo everything Obama did.


I think this feller was, (as the kids say these days) clout chasing.

Ever been to Port-au-Prince, Haiti? Enough said.

That Time Runs out was great, but it needs to be read in the perfect order 

$2,400 BEFORE taxes.

So, the Honda Crosstour?

Man, that girl is wearing Puma sweatshirt with Nike pants. Fuck outta here!

American exceptionalism.

America has ALWAYS been a selfish nation. That's why we have no universal healthcare, no free higher education and shitty social welfare.