
What did you want them to do?

Goodness. This country is so fucked up, gonna take a long time, before we can recover.

That shit won't win you an election. There are far more important things they can use.

Dude rolling in a V6 Mustang.

Assholes hate when they're wrong

Ever been to NYC? Boston? Miami? 

“Settle that particular argument once and for all.”

Motherfuckers just hate to admit when they’re wrong. Please stop with that black men don’t support black women bullshit, because of this asshole and others like him. There are lots of black men holding it down, taking care and supporting black women

Who the fuck is Koby Bryant?

You're cancelled Terry Crews, YOU'RE FUCKING CANCELLED!!!!

Rapist, I mean Kobe is full of shit.

Bitches be bitching for no reason.

Whaan! Whaan! Ivy park doesn't make my size, they're size snobs. STFU! 

Good. I still have a chance then 

Guess you’ve never heard of this Instagram page

You are outraged. You're calling people cowards, because they didn't sponsor this thing. Simmer down mate.

Uh? Put down the drugs

Bullshit, they're both ugly.

Kill it with fire

Sue them into bankruptcy.