Yup, Offset’s gone full Robin Thicke...
Yup, Offset’s gone full Robin Thicke...
I feel like this tweet is also pretty damning. No way the festival organizers didn’t plan this behind Cardi’s back
Fucking typical. Man steals important moment, makes it about him or inserts himself (like the guy who proposes when his girlfriend just completed a marathon or won an Olympic medal). And now she’s forced to take the high road and be the better person, when she did nothing wrong.
The same assholes who think Trump must be a genius because he claims to be a billionaire are now griping that the Obamas are making money? It’s like there’s a difference in their minds between some people making money versus some other people making money. Give a minute. I’ll figure this out...
There is, I believe, a conversation that could be had about an unease we (black people) might have with the Obamas’ post-White House relationship with money.
Dear Maureen,
God forbid a black woman who is not a size small, sing about sex and enjoying said sex. Don't you know if you shop in the plus size section you're not allowed to fuck ever.
You’ve never lived in DC, have you?
Fucking right? She was SWATting this child. Fuck off to the sun, bitch
Also disgusting, “I have.” WTF?
You right.
On the on hand I’m suck of seeing her pinch mouth whey faced ugly mug.
For white women, being inconvenienced is an emergency. Nothing takes precedence over them and their precious feelings.
Can we stop this shit? Can we stop with this “Wasn’t it great when we murdered each other over music battles” bullshit? No, no it wasn’t. Go say that shit to Biggie’s kid and see where it gets you.
see! I KNEW YOU WERE ALWAYS THAT BITCH YOU DID THAT! 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
Why not call for Bill Clinton to fix it? Or Bush 43? Or Bush 41 for that matter? Why is the black man Obama expected to be the one to step up and correct what’s wrong?
Fucking thank you. I barely skimmed that post because it just dripped with white liberalism.
His duty to the public ended when his term ended. Anything that he does after he becomes a private citizen is his business. Any moral obligation is entirely concocted in your head.
He gets the biggest free pass.