

Painting a statue apparently

What more of an investigation is needed!? He blasted racism on Facebook, he screamed it out the house, he killed a man unrelated to his problem because he was black too... 100% hate crime.

So this is what Make American Great Again is all about, huh?

Nothing is ever a white person’s own fault. This dude’s daughter out ho-in’, blame a black dude. Kill a completely different black dude whom you didn’t even think had anything to do with it. Go to work like it’s nothing. You’re white, you’ll be fine.

Your username in my language means pubic hair.

Linda Cohen talked shit about ESPN directly. They employ her. They can say they don’t want someone employed by them talking shit about them.

Hank was fired (for saying Dems are the enemy and said Boehner playing golf with Obama was like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu) and he was hired again.

Curt Schilling was

I’ve only even heard of this school because Tracy Clayton of Buzzfeed/Another Round posted that essay on the racism she endured there. And then they sent out an order for students to not share the link.

If Dump can call our President illegitimate, defame him by claiming the O Admin wiretapped Dump Tower; if Dump can call Mexicans rapists, HRC “crooked” and white supremacists “good ppl”, Jemele should be able to say whatever the F she wants! Period.

You went to high school together. He was the guy who made fun of people who only got accepted into state colleges.

That guy looks really damn familiar. Have I just seen his smug, stupid face in a mugshot, or is he an alt-right personality of some kind? Because I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the latter.

People with rat faces shouldn’t call others “vermin”.

Let’s also not forget the fact that Serena the don made sure to remind everyone that her baby won her first grand slam 8 weeks in the womb.

Meh, you still sound like an apologist. Try to work on the wording. The swastika was a Buddhist symbol first. No one cares about that. At least the swastika had prior meaning, the Confederate flag was solely created for racist slave owning dick bags. 

Is pretty much excusing their behavior and makes you look like an apologist. Maybe you didn’t mean it like that, but that’s how it comes off.

No one cares what they think it means because they’re wrong considering it’s not the actual battle flag and was only brought back out during the CRM to terrorize black folks.

“When reached for comment, Sharapova first said no comment. Then circled back and asked to be off the record. And then admitted that she saw the pictures this morning, and that Alexis’s bright white blankie and cute little baby lips were intimidating her.”

Shut up. Nobody needs a apologist for that flag from you, ever, and certainly not here, loser.

I honestly thought Damon was just fucking around for laughs with her “name” until I clicked the arrest record link...

When I was in grade school there was a gym teacher named Quackenbush. Some kid mouthed off and said they quack behind the bush. They were promptly send to the principals office. The rest of us snickered.