
I have a question: why is Lawrence making his life so difficult? Messing with women at work? That could mess up your job situation. Messing with a woman at the bank? Now you have to drive across town to a different branch. Just complicated.

1. I’m gonna say it because no one has....the primise of woot woot sounds dated as hell. I see why no one picked it up.

True, I think Issa’s a hypocrite for telling Molly that she was so upset with Daniel because she wanted to show him “that he was special”. Umm, girl? He ain’t special if you JUST reminded him of his place on your Wheel’O’Hoes.

Lordy. Lordy. Lordy. Somebody gets it. But you might disagree with me on this one. Lawrence only likes Lawrence. His needs come first. His seemingly naivete is a mask.

You think? He didn’t volunteer that piece of knowledge until Lawrence starting projecting that Issa was cheating through their whole relationship, and trying to tag Tiffany as a cheater too. I thought Derek used a lot of restraint in that moment.

Neither. I think maybe because I believe he really cares for Issa and would have been down for a real relationship with her?

Both Issa and Lawrence need better friends. The “what the fuck did you think was going to happen” type friends. At the same time, I know that the show is not called “People w/Good Judgment” and none of us would watch that show.

Issa and Law was out here shooting up the entire club with all the #shotsfired last episode

I dont have anything particularly dope or insightful to say about either of them or Tif/Derek or Molly/Dro/Candice save calling a woman names because she hurt your feelings is quite the Drake move

Its all messy and all great to


When Dro, isn’t portraying a third-string two guard on Duke’s bench he’s portraying the vilest person on the show. He is truly a piece of sh*t.

I think something is wrong with me. I kind of like Daniel...

This episode was really uncomfortable, wasn’t it?

Robyn adding another jewel to her crown. Empress!

She came to slay, bitch.

Me too but we’ll look fabulously broke😁

I will buy everything.

White doods (both named John, LOL) trying to explain this? No. Just fucking no. One was so long I couldn’t screenshot it in one go. Gotta do all that to set it up? Not funny. The other dood? You’re still not explaining the joke and what makes it funny. What EXACTLY is funny about “reassuring” (or “de-escalating”

The idea that any of us has much of any kind of free will is largely an illusion. Stacking the deck against an entire group of people and expecting them to make better choices is just plain fucking insane. Black people should fucking kill us all for what whats been done and continues to be done to them.


“First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is