Recommended prescription: these hands.
Recommended prescription: these hands.
Curt Schilling: “I was nowhere near the fucking place, but if anyone says it happened they’re lying because things...”
Black leaders used to say it like this: “In the South, the white man doesn’t care how close you get, as long as you don’t get too high. In the North, he doesn’t care how high you get, as long as you don’t get too close.”
“and should maybe listen to what black people are saying instead of getting defensive.”
1) When there’s an overwhelming consensus in the black community that something’s racist, then it’s probably racist. White people do not get to decide how racist something is, and should maybe listen to what black people are saying instead of getting defensive.
They have to plead the 3/5 instead.
The picture that is starting to come out of this guy is pretty much what I picture in my head for every single one of these racist monsters.
Look, is it too much to ask that we get each and every allegation of racist behavior confirmed by a random white guy?
Schilling also said Bill Russell was clearly lying about his claims that he was subjected to racist taunts in Boston during his career.
Too bad for you. As a White Liberal SJW, I just get random checks from George Soros.
I don’t suppose Curt reads Deadspin but in the event he does, I’d like to clear something up for him, something I have realized in my time as a fellow white person who isn’t a gigantic piece of shit (just a modest piece of shit). Black people can say nigga, because for one, depending on the context, they aren’t using…
“What if a tree falls in the forest and only black people witness it?”
Curt Schilling probably doesn’t think the testimony of black people should be permissible in court.
In Schilling’s defense, I did hear that the fan was politely yelling song lyrics at Adam Jones.
Yes one thing I do as a Black person is “create situations” so that I can get money direct deposited into my SJW savings.
And if a fan yelled loud enough in center field for Adam Jones to hear the N-word, I guarantee you we would’ve heard and seen fans around on CNN on MSNBC, they would’ve found multiple fans to talk about what a racist piece of junk Boston is.
Curt, just because you weren’t personally there, doesn’t mean there wasn’t someone screaming racist things.