
I’ve seen plenty of discussion about Cardi’s hoodness. That she isn’t a role model because she’s loud, used to be a stripper, curses, dresses “provacatively”... all of that. Now it may be said differently (especially since when they’re questioning her blackness, they accuse her of being a culture vulture) but its all

I’ve met some Milwaukee folks and I agree.

This sounds correct.

All I know is that “they” work closely with the feds and “them people” in the Department of Shit Black People Don’t Fuck With.

Same. I had to re-read from the beginning, like “so she didn’t die?!?”

This is violent white supremacy in America. They are obsessed with guns at all levels. America has been a violent country since it’s inception. Historically, it’s always had a group to focus on as the enemy. The indigenous tribes, black folks and other various minority groups have served as a cross-hairs for the white

Ok first “Tell Me” and now this?!? You’re awesome.

THIS!!!!! And there was JUST an article (podcast? can’t remember) about the battle for jobs with white folks in Alabama and “illegal mexicans” at chicken processing plants and how they supposedly kept wages down by not joining unions.

OMG, so even though it’s totally NOT a wedding song, “For Real” has to be a part of the wedding I’ll never have because that’s the kind of love I aspire to and her voice is angelic and her daughters is too, lol.

Had no idea this happened. Also sad that Joe Buddens won anything, and pissed it wasn’t The Read.


They aren’t going to do shit. These spoiled yogurt looking cretins feel comfortable coming for black women because they watch black men doing it all the time.

White men imitating black culture feel comfortable coming for us like this because they’re imitating black culture. Black men do it constantly and don’t defend us when others do.

No, their first acknowledgement of the incident on Facebook was pretty shitty. They led with something about a the customer leaving “feeling discriminated against.” Corporate speak for “we’re still trying to figure out if we can get out of this with minimal effort.”

How many handicapped children do you know who have run for political office?

Ummmm, I don’t know. Maybe start with reversing all the injustices the article details?

Because black people have been targeted negatively for centuries and now is the time to right the wrongs.

These gifs gave me life, then I read the male tears comments and got even MORE life! Thank you!

Well I understood once he gave that little anecdote about singing New Jack Swing songs at 15 and watching people come together. He’s lived a fairly privileged life thus far. He gets to be racially ambiguous, non threatening and party, I’m sure its a sheltered existence. 

Right! He said something like “too many slow songs, lets bring the tempo up” after Sza’s performance and I side-eyed so hard, it was was still stuck there this morning.