
No, men are not left in a Catch 22. Leave people alone. Men don’t “get” women, that implies ownership and that’s exactly what encourages these types of behaviors. And where are you getting this pseudo-statistic that “a lot of women love that type of attention”? Thats gross and wholly untrue.

Actually, the “ordinary Americans” he was talking about were white men. He included women at the start of that list and when white people say “women” they mean white women. When they speak of black folks, they mean black men... same for all other “people of color.” They’re talking about men, not women. And even men of

Ugh, no The Fifth Element? I will watch that movie EVERY TIME I see it on lol

And what really more can be said about people so invested Ciara’s unhappiness — and the perpetual unhappiness of other black women who happen to have children with men they are no longer in relationships with (which is really what this is all about)

EXACTLY!!!! WTF?!?!? Black Women’s Lives Don’t Matter

Like “yes, what happens to black girls is bad BUT...” there’s always a “but” and something else that needs to be discussed. This is a part of the abuse heaped on black girls in a nutshell. There’s always someone to point out “more important” issues than ours in the present.

Can we just talk about black girls and not have a “what about?” deflection a single time?

Nope, but pay me and I’ll tell them.

Awwwww, you’re a man who actually listens to women. What do you and the other unicorns do for fun?

Good. Leave people alone.

St. Charles and the surrounding area are white flight central of North St. Louis County... those white folks who fled places like Ferguson in the 80s/90s went there to get away from “us.” (North County was previously white flight central when black people started moving into North St. Louis City in the 40s/50s/60s.)

Most guys would respond to this like you said you’d be taking away all access to food and oxygen.

This! The male entitlement is real! They think we should be flattered that their dicks find our appearance pleasing. Leave us alone! Random women don’t owe you anything. And when I bring up that they wouldn’t like it if a certain kind of woman (or lawdforbid!!! a gay male) imposed on their space with those kinds of

I really want to post this article in a FB group argument I was having about men wanting to compliment young girls, or any women for that matter, randomly. It would fly right over their heads with a #notallmen banner waving violently in the breeze.

Yeah, I feel attacked. He don’t know my life!

The first time I heard the term “internalized misogyny” a few years ago, I was filled with joy. FINALLY there was a term for all the pick me’s and defenders of terroristic men. I think it really is a coping mechanism that turns into a personality trait. Like how sometimes I smile and nod at some intrusive male so that

LOL! Those are the ones!

Oh I’m not sure about that. I was referring to all the “think piece” type posts that the “intellectuals” I follow on FB made after Damon Young’s “black men are the white people of black people” article. They called it anti-black and all kinds of other synonyms for male bashing, while ignoring that black women,

I’m just here to watch this devolve into the chorus of hit dogs hollering... and once this hits my FB timeline (because it will) the ways the “intellectuals” will twist this into being “anti-black” because: male fragility.

You asked why the mother hasn’t been charged with extortion like the legal minds who are charging the pedo-rapist can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. Maybe she isn’t being charged with extortion because the pedo-rapist’s lawyer is LYING.