
So in order to be pro-black and a socialist, you have to be poor? Hilarious.

Its because at the most basic, when its pointed out that cops treat Black people badly, that’s saying that cops are racist. And we all know (black people do anyway) that white people think being called racist is worse than actual racism and it’s effects on black people.

Who will think of the white people?!?!?!? I guess you. LOL

Wow. A black woman isn’t credible as a Black Panther?

Yes, you don’t get it. It’s not for you.

In reality, “cost issues” are why Flint is in the situation its in now. How about just get the people some water the most expedient and efficient way? And why do you care how much it costs? It’s not your money, it’s Cher’s and Icelandic’s money. I’m not understanding what’s “stupid” about donating water to an entire

It's fucking ASTOUNDING the number of people commenting on the environmental effects of plastic water bottles. How about the environmental effects of not having clean water?

You’re worried about the environmental effects of bottles while Flint, MI has no drinkable water?

Ok?!? Glad I wasn’t the only one who caught that. She watches CNN and Worldstar? No wonder her opinions are so violently stupid.

Maybe its hard for these people who are complaining to believe a black woman could be “hella smart” and as clever as the character Hermione. It happens in real life all of the time...

Its nice to know that progressives don’t sympathize with and cover up for the abuser in question, then proceed shame and blame the victims. They are standing up for the victims and uniting against the accused and that is definitely nice to know.

Its not a word that shows up in normal conversation and its mostly used by old black women. But ok.

Yes. Also letting animals just run all through the kitchen and on the counters. Trust me, I’ve worked in some kitchens in their homes... we’re not THAT far off base with these suspicions.

It is not officially Christmas until I’ve heard this song. And it has to be THIS version. Donny Hathaway... nobody else.

No, just black...

Americans typically adopt their black kids from Africa.


Exactly!!!! I can’t believe that the stories coming from FAMU get more and more sickening. I was there 4 years and my little sister got her law degree from there. THIS IS DISGUSTING!!!!


This same Prosecutor’s office uncharged the officer who killed Rekia Boyd. It’s definitely possible.