
My Entity XF can't do any of that.

If the Veyron is a cannon round, what is the Agera?

Pretty cool. Although Bugatti was never spec-ing the Veyron for this type of maneuver. A Veyron is like a cannon round. It doesn't turn but it gets where it's going very quickly.

well played, well played.

Am I the only one who thinks that this is actually kind of....beautiful?

Moral of the story: I can't wait for winter.

And a spaniel at high speed.

that isnt as scary as when NASA partnered with the UK Space program..

Oh come on, skay! We're going 80s! You need this sexy little testarossa which can be delivered by the lovely blonde pondering which color hers should be :)

Congratulations, Mr. Mailbox Cancer, on today's COTD! I would like to gift you with a beautiful red Ferrari which this lovely lady will deliver to you in a few days.


Grilled inspired by...

I'm not sure they want people driving their cars who cannot spell a two letter name '4C'...

Arizona version of "If you find yourself in Lien's situation, I would advise that you:"

Get Jay Leno, Tim Allen, and Adam Corolla as the hosts for Top Gear US. I would watch the shit out of that.

I mean, that's what I would do.

Runner up:

Pagani key rules all.

Purchasing a new car every two years means you have to either sell one or end up with two cars. And also have to foot maintenance on those cars, once again.