
Happy Gizmodo day. couldn't make it to any meetups. maybe next year!

While I certainly wish they would have kept the camera app they did have every right to pull it if it violated the license agreement. Yes its annoying, yes apple should revise their rules. But it's not like no one saw this coming....

@WUSS: I wasn't saying it was true..... aww heck I was pretty much just looking for an excuse to post that picture.

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." — Steve jobs

I'm incredibly paranoid about any kind of blemish on any screen I use. I wipe my ipod touch down thoroughly each day

That wheel is an incredible idea! There should be a planting one.

holy crap. I need a fairly durable case that will keep it from scratching I dont need a ipad encased in tank armor!

I used one of these once at a museum and they dont work at all. the thing could barely track me, and (as was mentioned in the article) its not actually showing you your bones just a different skeleton that your movements animate.....

@admoseremic: This isnt a NSFW post though. just the link.....

Happy Birthday! Here's your cake....

He merely has to sit one the joker to kill him.

I love it how its not even a iPhone 4

These things are always cool ideas but they never actually take off.

Oh man I love scientifically accurate articles!

@acidrain69: I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Her expressions are incredible!