
Y0u are the arbiter of all things batman?

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Batman’s an old-ass character. He’s been interpreted multiple ways over his long history. Just because the writers portrayed Batman differently than what you had in mind doesn’t mean it’s “bad”.

Is there really any doubt that Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight is the best Batman movie?

Maybe but Daredevil only works in Hell’s Kitchen.

I think itd be a real good idea to seed some teen heroes into his high school. Not necessarily with powers but with post Infinity War approaching fast you gonna need some people to replace the elder statesmen. Instead of going through endless origin stories, having pre powered characters show up would be an easy way

I hope Marvel finally commits to the whole crossover thing eventually. Even seemingly small stuff, like they talked about above would be welcome.

Alan Moore took a bunch of public domain nobodies to make his point and Snyder uses the biggest names in the pantheon. So, tell me- who has the bigger balls?

All the Marvel guys....Kirby, Lee and the like...,we’re hard core New Yorkers. The early OG Marvel guys.

I think Daredevil’s intentionally like that, because he’s blind.

Just finished Daredevil! I'll give them a pass on the color for making a pitch-perfect season.

I’ve been binging on Daredevil so it looks kinda weird to me too. :)

“What the fuck? Color?

Half the excitement is having confirmation that Colleen Wing will be present in the MCU in the first place.

You leave that poor medical oddity alone!

She has been the perfect Mystique till now, so I think she’s earned the benefit of the doubt and we should wait for the movie before making any judgements. My guess is she’s only siding with the X-Men because Apocalypse is a bigger threat.

I gotta admit, if they just flat out replace the New 52 Superman with the previous one, part of me would be pretty excited about the whole thing. Of course, that would also complicate matters a lot for more casual readers.

I think the evolution of Iron Man and his stance throughout the movies has been awesome. In Iron Man 1, he moved away from selling weapons and focused on Iron Man. He felt responsible.

We’ve seen that from the end of Avengers Tony know’s what’s out there, and what’s coming to Earth. He’s the only one who actually saw the full Chitari fleet, so from that point on he’s wanted to prepare for it and ‘put a suit of armour around the world’ - this is what prompts him to create the Iron Legion and then

She actually made him a better villain, she had the potential to be a great villain in season two, masterminding a revenge against DD.