
And yet they still get to decide not to cover a vasectomy where they cover tube tying, a far more invasive, costly, and dangerous procedure 100% currently.

Have done something very similar with two out of three of our boys and we’ll use the same method with the third when he’s ready (about 18 months for the other two).

I wish there was something that could be done, but the genie is out of the bottle. No level of ban or even outright destruction of firearms will keep them out of people’s hands now. Even assuming you could get the entire world to legally ban and destroy every last firearm in existence, people would still find a way.

I don’t know that it possible. A livestream may contain multiple company copyrights and would therefore cause problems since an entire item must be claimed rather than only the relevant portions. Thats why the original program has very strict rules about what channels can be submitted and what content is applicable to

They may be the only ones, but with the drama surrounding YouTube lately, I could see this becoming a norm.

This is indeed the case and has been the entire time. People misunderstand the program because they’ve not actually read it. You have the option of submitting your entire channel, but you also have the option of submitting individual videos. The later is almost universally the best option to take since under the

Waiting on my Walmart order to ship...

I got the same email this morning. I don’t think it’s as bad as everyone is making it out. Basically, the wording seems to indicate that they cannot for whatever reason intercept monitization of streams. Maybe it’s legal or maybe it’s policy, no idea.

It’s about it being an online game. It’s something that requires a very specific dedication of time either due to timed events or playing as groups. It’s also a matter of you cannot pause the game and take a break when something comes up with the kids.


Not sure what kind of credit card you have, but I don’t have interest charged on my card until it’s been on the bill an entire month. If I always pay my bill to zero AFTER receiving the first bill, I do not get charged interest.

Because advertisers are actively buying into a system and can therefore withdraw from said system. A developer does not, so the easy course is copyright strike and it’s mostly done.

Because DMCA has historically been something developers have used to censor YouTubers, not because they were racist, Nazis, etc., but because they poorly reviewed or other otherwise persuaded buyers away from a game (almost universally deservingly to boot).

That’s the nature of a public image job. It’s not all that different from any performer...it’s up to hosts, companies, agents, and ultimately the audience to determine what they’ll put up with as a viewer or partner.

It’s not about accountability; it’s about abuse.

It’s not about what Firewatch devs have done. It’s about what PewDiePie has done and continues to do for the platform. He fucked stuff up with his Nazi crap and it affected pretty much all of YouTube to some degree because advertisers dropped out of the program. Now, he’s done some more racist shit that’s gotten

You’ll need to check and be sure the phone is compatible with their Network. Many are, but it seems that most Google phones in particular haven’t been in the past.

My school started at 8:30. Made life easier for me, that’s for sure.

I believe there are some watches that include GPS, but I’m not super familiar with the market since I only recently got the idea of dropping a new phone for a watch instead. Even still, my use case for that would be to have it in the car for navigation but just leave it there and use the watch when I’m not actively

The problem I have with buying a phone outright is that I don’t really get all the perks since I have to use Verizon and unlocked phones do not necessarily work with their network. Also, their leasing program doesn’t even allow you to upgrade early anymore (at least not when I purchased my current phone).