So be it. I’d take a game without a “network mode” than no game at all.
So be it. I’d take a game without a “network mode” than no game at all.
Agreed. I don’t give two shits about online play (which if I recall is nothing but a leaderboard, but I could be wrong). Give me the game now and patch that shit in eventually. You’re just pissing everybody off delaying the entire thing.
Certainly depends on the type of run. A glitched run does skip chunks of the game (I find these interesting myself, but I’m a programmer, so seeing the system going wrong is interesting), but a glitchless run is absolutely fun. It’s everything fun about the game, but at the peak of speed and performance. The feeling…
I certainly give my 3 year old son as long a leash as possible. My mother-in-law was flipping out because we let him walk up to the counter at a fast food joint and ask for something like an extra sauce by himself (it’s not like we don’t know one of the girls behind the counter anyhow).
Right, I know. They’re skimping or eating the cost. That’s fine, but it’s misleading to say that it’s $1,500 for PC+HMD when asked specifically about the price of the HMD itself since you can’t really meet the minimum specs without cutting corners that will ultimately compromise other portions of your PC.
Right, your PC ALONE cost $1,500. They claimed a PC AND Oculus would cost roughly $1,500. You’re looking at $2,100 total.
I said the GPU + HMD would be a grand, not just the required GPU. That means a 980ti and an Oculus would be $1,200 and a 970 would be $900-$1,000
To be fair, I skimped on the GPU initially since I expected to replace it anyhow. My build also included everything since I only had a laptop prior so I had to get a monitor, mouse, keyboard. I also just decided I wanted to run to Fry’s one day and build a PC, so I could have gotten better deals online.
Yeah, partner PCs, which means somebody is eating the cost somewhere based on the price of the Oculus...that or it’s not a solid computer.
And $1,500 is a bogus number to boot. The GPU required plus the HMD alone would be at least a grand. Good luck meeting the remaining requirements and only spending $500.
Yeah, Walmart takes anything back.
If that was enough to prevent me from enjoying something, I’d never enjoy another story ever again. That’s the thing with perceptive people. Good stories have foreshadowing and some people pick up on it and others look back and see it and go “Oh! That’s what that was about.”. It’s Chekov’s gun...everything (should) be…
Yep, that’s the one I told my wife to order.
Yeah, that looks easy and cheap, but I have a corner desk which goes all the way to the floor, so I can’t use anything that is supposed to go under the desk.
Problem with the desk is that mine is a good 5-6 inches above my armrests and is really just not comfortable since it is about chest high at that point.
A late adopter is great though! I grabbed the base game on sale for $15, so I got access to the game and I’ll get the discount meaning I pay the same amount but get to play now rather than later.
Yeah, I’m getting a cheap intro HOTAS for Christmas and I want to make some “shelves” for my chair. It’s not necessarily about immersion, but comfort. Using a HOTAS on a desk for prolonged periods of time is not going to be fun, but if I were able to rest my arms on the armrest and just use my wrists, it will be much…
Any planet without an atmosphere. I’m assuming they don’t want to deal with having to make a planet with actual life on it other than human created settlements which are entirely indoors.
I think the implication was new announcements for the Wii U. The only reason Zelda was brought up is because there are rumors swirling it will be Twilight Princess 2.0.
I’ve only ever played Skyrim, but I played it in that manner (aside from an occasional fast travel if I was in a real world crunch for time). It makes for a much more interesting and (ironically) less tedious adventure. You’d think walking everywhere would keep you from experiencing the meat of the games, but in…