
Agreed. Hell, just this weekend we had a LAN party with Halo 3 (yeah, who does that anymore?). We had 12 people playing at most, but there were always extra people sitting around watching. I think some of the people NEVER played and were simply there to watch and party.

I watched GameXplain stream for an hour this afternoon...and it was Super Mario Maker no less.

I saw it applied on a SMB style level with a Kirby amiibo, and I swear it looked just like Kirby’s Dreamland...with SMB tileset...but still!

Agreed. I’ve been married for 5 years, but it’s still something I could use more of. Don’t get me wrong, both of our parents are notoriously bad planners and will pull stuff randomly, but there are a few things that are guarantees and despite the fact that they take up what little free time I have, I’m okay with that

Well, it’s also a matter of what’s in their contracts and their code of conduct. It is likely that there is a clear clause in one or both of those which states the repercussions. Even though the guy may not have said anything bad about the company, rules are rules and though they may not have really wanted to let him

Yeah, I rarely talk about my work even with coworkers unless they are on the same project. There is no way I’d ever talk about anything I do in a public forum of any sort.

Yeah, this time, but things like this give companies a reputation. Everybody wants to pirate Ubisoft games because of their stupid UPlay DRM already. When you make it easier for a person to play a pirated copy of a game (not a simple process many times) than to play a legit copy, you’re doing it wrong.

Yeah, if anything, this to me would be another instance of a company’s attempts to curb piracy actually increases piracy rates.

Yeah, I made that argument when MS bought them. Somebody argued vehemently that Mojang was more than Minecraft...

I rate the whole ordeal a resounding...meh.

Perhaps it was a poor choice of words, but the point is that somebody’s going to have to play two characters. I don’t know why they wouldn’t give us that option, but that’s just a possible reason. I wouldn’t want to have to deal with it personally...

It’s not AI...you play them with the touchscreen. That means somebody has to get control of that one other player, but who gets that? They get an unfair advantage.

Not revisionist history. I was the only one of my three brothers who cared about Splatoon. We all played the TestFire though and one bought the game day one and the wants to, but he doesn’t have a job and therefore no money to buy it.

They did confirm that you must beat your level in order to submit it.

Agreed. Everyone is giving Tanabe a hard time about his responses and that he seems pig-headed, but by the same token, Stephen was being very pushy about a game he hadn’t played the main mode of, but rather a mini-game. I completely understand Tanabe’s responses because not only was this coming through a translator

Yeah, all those early announcements really hurt them because I think it really built up expectations for their Digital Event. People are like “They announced all this shit BEFORE E3!? They must have some amazing shit that’s going to blow our freakin’ minds at E3!” and then they get a mediocre Digital Event and it just

They clearly stated like a month ago that Zelda U would not be shown in any form at E3 this year, so I don’t know why you expected that.

So far, I’m calling this a losing E3. There have been few exciting announcements and even fewer that I personally care about (though I understand the hype for say FFVII, just not on a personal level).

Yeah, the areas in XC are much larger than anything in HW, so I’m sure that’s why more than anything.

Yeah, that’s why the Sonic Boom comic is dying once the whole World Unite event is over.