
It's not the router SSID, it's the MAC address. After doing some research into this particular hack, I can see how it works.

Whoever told you that you could get StreetPasses from all over was either lying to you or stupid. The relays are just that, relays. They don't download anything from online. They simply take a StreetPass from a passer by and store. Next person walks by and they get the stored data and upload their data to the

Because the StreetPass Relay stations really just rely on Nintendo Zone and Nintendo Zones are default for AT&T Wi-Fi hotspots. If the place has AT&T Wi-Fi, it functions as a relay.

I wouldn't fight with it too much since people would still have to walk within range of your router to appear on the Streetpass Relay...which probably means you could get the Streetpass anyhow.

It's hard to deny the awesome potential, but it comes down to the fact of whether or not Nintendo thinks its worth the investment to make it compatible. I could see it going either way with them.

'm gonna say, no.

Oh, that's not even what I meant. I meant game design.

I agree with the premise, but it wouldn't really work with the Wii U since you could no longer use the Gamepad screen.

I am hoping that it has a Four Swords style multiplayer mode. Whether that is its own story or is co-op through the main game, I don't care. I just want another Four Swords game...and with online functionality, I might actually find somebody else in this world who wants to play too...

See, this is my thing. While a company may not push the 3D as much as it initially did (lets be honest, regardless of how it turned out in the end, the idea of 3D without the glasses was an awesome concept to most of us), they don't have to drop it either. Keep making the games in the 3D without focusing on it as a

I agree that this likely happened just after playing, but it was in a mimicing way rather than that the game made him have homicidal tendencies. He just found the gun and wanted to act all cool like in the game and he "accidently" killed his grandmaster. I put "accidently" in quotes because while he likely did aim and

I honestly prefered the SA2 grinding mechanic, but that was because I could get some major speed out of those, but the new grinding mechanic has way too much friction.

Ah, surprisingly (or not so surprisingly I guess since I've never owned a Playstation) I had never heard of that prior. Good to know.

They were all ahead of their time. It was a wonderful premise (VMU and GBA Link cable...not sure what you're referencing with Sony), but the technology was not there yet.

Yeah, it's great, but Microsoft isn't going to have that option for some time since they do not have a handheld like Sony and their hardware was not designed with streaming in mind like the Wii U.

Yeah, I agree that the remote play was a Sony thing first, but the remote play is less important to me than proper use of the Gamepad as a gameplay aid.

Most games I have played on Wii U support off-tv play. The one glaring exception is ZombiU, but the second screen is really the entire premise of the game so having off-tv not be an option was a clear, though-out design decision.

Well, Nintendo had the GBA link cable back with the Gamecube...ahead of its time...

You realize I don't really care that much and I'm just being sarcastic.