are Random Man. Attacking with non-related facts! Behold his power of unrelated opinions. His ability to completely make stuff up that seems true. Derailing comments in four words or less! are Random Man. Attacking with non-related facts! Behold his power of unrelated opinions. His ability to completely make stuff up that seems true. Derailing comments in four words or less!
Luckily, I still have an unlimited data plan with Verizon. I'm paying out the nose, but I cannot switch to another carrier because no other carrier has decent service in the areas I visit (home, family, friends). Yeah, I could have great service at my office in town, but outside of metro areas, nobody has decent data…
Yeah, I know. I asked because he has NOTHING to do with the lyrics I gave.
Maybe, but I shaved with nothing but soap for years so it doesn't bother me anyhow.
I don't even bother with the shaving cream. No longer than I'm usually in the hotel room anyhow, I just take the soap and work up a good lather and shave that way.
Dark Moon was definitely good, but given my current gaming situation, I have to go with Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I've got a one year old son, a new house, and a wife who is getting tired of my gaming. New Leaf allows me to drop in and out and play a few minutes at a time and really still enjoy the time I'm…
Definitely on the Oracle series. I played through both of them back-to-back AGAIN when they were released.
Yeah, I played the first Luigi's Mansion all those years ago and it was decent, but I played Dark Moon with my brother on multiplayer and I was like "I've gotta go find a copy of this!" Same basic premise, but the gameplay and personality was so well polished. I was very surprised.
Yeah, I always empty my pockets into the front pouch of my rolling bag prior to security and I try as hard as I can to not wear a belt when I fly just to avoid that. I always wear slip on shoes (though I have a pair that give me problems some times).
Well, Sally was actually roboticized to rewire Eggman's world roboticizer back on itself to blow it up. The result was that she was the only person roboticized instead since she was inside the machine.
Yeah, they've pretty much accepted that they have to fight her to save her, so they don't hold back much. I honestly feel that this crossover may end up helping deroboticize her though due to the Roboticized Masters thing.
On the plus side, she's pretty badass as a robot...
What are you talking about?
Agreed, which is why I think Sonic out of anyone is the most likely to remember anything. He remembered some of the last Genesis Wave and he felt things were off immediately this time and now his memories are coming back.
It's coming down to the hour of the fight,
Sonic's remembering more and more of these sort of things as they happen. I think they may allow at least him to remember at least some of what happens. Really, it would be ideal if Mega Man and Sonic both remember what happens so that if they do a second crossover they can skip over the hero fighting.
Sally is currently roboticized.
Exactly. If you have the disc, you should be able to play offline. Now, to accomplish that, developers would need to allow the cloud computing aspect to be optional (lower the grpahical power of the game when offline), but it is completely reasonable for them to still do the disc-based authentication when you cannot…