
My large thirsty adult son. Already a New York legend.

I’m sure Darnold will make a fine Jet. After all, the bar for USC QBs is so low in New York, if you jump over it, you hit a lineman in the ass and fumble.

Chubb at 5 is a damn steal and it’s a safe pick for Elway who has bombed at drafting.

It was simple. You draft the best available talent. You pick Barkley at one, and the best QB available at 4, but they decided to go all Browns laughing gif on it.

Marcus Smart can do whatever the hell he wants as long as he plays his game.

Alternate theory: Kris Middleton makes at least the slightest effort to block out Marcus Smart, gets the rebound and this is not even a story.

Don’t confuse cosmetic build quality with functional build quality.

In all honesty, if it really means that much to you to see it for yourself, you should just avoid the internet altogether and make it a priority to watch it the first thing Sunday morning.

The furniture is made by Daewoo.

it’s a dog eat dog world in korea

What’s a bonus? At my job it’s pronounced bone us.

Don’t lie, everybody has wanted to do this to a boss at some point.

Bad news, Niners fans. You know how Giuseppe Verdi has a really cool sounding name that actually just means “Joe Green”? It turns out Jimmy Garoppolo is just Italian for Matt Flynn.

Pretty sure that being a racist butthurt moron is a primary hiring requirement at Fox News.

The important thing is that Boomers are the ones to blame. Always and forever.

But if he doesn’t spend it on VC, what else will he blow predatory mortage profit money on?

Just when this shit is getting good?

Clearly McDaniels just loves fucking over horse-based franchises.

So glad he and the rest of the Eagles stiffened up and penetrated the Patriots defense so well...