Hopefully, Michael and Amber remained united through this ordeal.
Hopefully, Michael and Amber remained united through this ordeal.
Bernie even has a problem with doors.
I have to say, Trump is making my arguments with my Republican co-workers so fucking easy these days. They can’t respond to half the stuff I point out.
Excellent spotting. Way more than just a “clean 240Z”!!
Minis are hugely popular over in Japan - Classic, British/Euro but RH drive and sized to fit reasonably in Japan traffic.
Ken, this is the best series of posts on Jalopnik to date. Better than the E30 Mexico rally car, better than the low mileage journey by Torch and whoever. These three posts that you’ve done are the best. Please, please keep it up.
My jaw literally dropped a few times while scrolling through those pics. That is insanely diverse and awesome.
Still more interesting and diverse than ANY boring ass, white bread American car meet.
Holy shit. 3 2000GTs in one place in the wild? THat’s amazing.
It’s times like these that I miss Kinja’s image annotations the most.
Tokyo Drift was the best.
lol change.org . Yea because those petitions are so successful and all.