
By all that’s holy, how?

Another friendly reminder that rare ≠ desirable.

A protest vote. You know, like voting third party because Bernie didn’t get the nomination...

Not a chance for me; I’m okay with Clinton, she’s infinitely preferable to Trump, and I realize that neither Stein nor Johnson have a chance of winning (and I don’t know enough about Johnson to know if I find him preferable to Clinton). However, I do the the sense that some of Sanders’ supporters are refusing to vote

Buzzfeed Quiz. If he were an ice cream he’d be a Dilly Bar.

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

This article was extremely well-timed for my life as it currently sits. Thank you Sarah. I needed this - it's like a little boost of encouragement. Wish me luck, homies.

In alcohol’s defense, I’ve done some pretty stupid shit while completely sober, too.

And I’m sorry for your butthurt.

You call that rust? Around here anything you can’t put your head thru the bodywork is considered mint.

If only it was a Scout drag racer. “Unintentional Harvester” would be such a rad drag-car name.

Bravo to KWTX!

Freddy, we’re gonna have one of those meetings later where I talk and you listen.

yeah, don’t force other people to participate in your kink

Very gracious of you to respond to what I’d consider a knucklehead comment.

Though I have never been so utterly gutted by a television show in my life, it did help me make this realization....

Tormund + Brienne continues to be great.

Technically all doors are removable.