
oh, you just want to troll! Got it! Enjoy!

I am not arming anyone, because once again, I’m not talking about obscenity. I have used the words “directed” and “targeted” to describe his behavior in every comment. Because the thing that’s significant here is his intent, his intent to be seen with her without her consent in order to solicit sex or achieve sexual

Keep in mind that we women are living in a world where we must constantly wonder if we can trust men we meet or if they will assault us. Read the essay about Schrodinger’s rapist for a good explanation. Someone jumping to explicit suggestions or pictures without consent is a man communicating a lack of willingness to

If you were living in a world where you did have more reason to worry about assault, you might understand how aggressive unsolicited naked pics are. There is a world of difference in seeing a naked photo online via a retweet or some such, and a pic aimed at you personally. What (most) women think when getting

These creeps trying to make you feel like there’s something wrong in her keeping it are complete assholes and transparent as a windowpane.

I think the overall point has gotten confused here. Naked bodies and bare genitals are not inherently bad. Penises themselves are not offensive.

I was working on a really detailed comment explaining things like consent, solicitation, and people choosing to view nude models or attend nude beaches or whatever, but then I read your reply to Strawberry Jones and realized that you're an MRA or a troll choosing to remain ignorant. If you really can't understand why

Now playing

I wouldn’t say stupider. Just that there’s now fewer steps between what passes for thought, and then action. Compounded atop the fact that with social media, everyone is now one contact removed from everyone else.

I mean, I don’t get it. Is “I think my penis is awesome! I’ll send this girl a pic of it, and she’ll

Dude, it’s a little terrifying that the obvious difference between the two situations is escaping you. You’re saying that if a woman is on the beach in a string bikini, and a fully clothed dude pulls out just his dick, that the dude is less offensive? The difference is not the % of body that’s uncovered. The

Man, that happened to some of my friends when we played Warcraft together. One guy in the guild sent unsolicited ass and dick pics (but it was the ass ones that were apparently remarkable) to half of the girls in the guild. I didn’t get them, but my girlfriend did, and then he apologized to ME for sending images to my

To the advice to men on social media to NEVER SEND UNSOLICITIED DICK PICS, I inevitably get the answer that “it might work” “you don’t represent every girl out there” “some might like to get one”. It still boggle my mind what they think they are accomplishing.

We were just dating then. Even if she kept it as as a laff. Who gives a shit?

I worked at a video store/photo lab in the early 90s. Lots of men and women took nude pics and dropped the roll off to be developed, some of them regular photo and video customers! I figure some didn’t care, others didn’t think about the photo tech who did QA on the prints and others got off on it.

Are you really so fucking dumb that you don't understand the difference between choosing to put pictures of yourself on your own social media accounts and receiving unsolicited random pictures of dicks? Are you REALLY that fucking dumb? How many dick pics have you sent?

I sincerely hope you’re trolling, but in case you’re not, I’ll explain it to you.

I once received a random picture of a man’s ass... he was forever known as the Butt Bandit and made for plenty of fodder for jokes.

I knew guys like that in highschool. They’d call you a fag for not showing them your dick.

I wonder the same things some times. Like remember that part in Superbad where the friend just feels compelled to draw dicks all the time, everywhere, without even thinking about it, like some kind of Close Encounters of the Dick Kind or something? What the fuck?

Oh yeah, check out some of those Egyptian or Sumerian hyroglyphs—dudes with ginormous erect appendages. Men and their cocks—an age-old, dickpiction-fest.

Imagine those poor cromags who had to find a big dry leaf to smear berries on to depict the majesty of their dongs...