
Religious fundamentalism is incredibly harmful. So is acting as though all religions are defined by their fundamentalist factions.

There's a large Orthodox community near my summer house and no one talks harsher smack about them than my non-orthodox Jewish neighbours.

I really want to see her response to this. There are few that can pull off a decent "NO. Fuck you and your shit" glare better than Kanzlerin Merkel. You don't get to photoshop out one of the most powerful people in Europe just because she has a vagina. Merkel is a BAMF through and through, and she always seems to

The official explanation, and I am being completely serious here, is that women are by their natures holier than men, and must be shielded from sight.

Information age tech used to further bronze age bullshit.

Who did they entrust to do the photoshopping? Is there some super-enlightened Orthodox guy working for the newspaper who can handle looking at female politicians without being overcome with lust?

I see what she's doing here as similar to what Dave Chapelle did on his show. He lampooned stereotypes by using hyper-stereotypes and highlighting how stupid they are. Its satire. I also think she just wanted to take a jab at a dictator which she is well within her right to do as a North Korean woman. my 2 cents

Yeah, after listening her talk about what she went through with "All-American Girl," I don't think Cho is someone who's letting television tell her what to do with her roles.

Not sure how many people are aware of this but Margaret Cho also played Kim Jong Il on 30 Rock. Nothing groundbreaking but not a "minstrel show".

I see your point and I do think it applies to a vast majority of the industry. I just wouldn't apply it to Cho. I may have been reaching a bit when I said she's AS successful as Louis CK. He has become a juggernaut, outpacing most of the comedy industry. Her career is more comparable to Amy Sedaris, Will Arnett or

How can you not give a shit about North Korea when a woman of North Korean Descent (who still has family there) is publicly making fun of North Korea and recent events?

I feel like you're purposefully ignoring the main points I'm making. If you'd rather not discuss this, I get it. People are piling on and I've been there. It's not fun. That said I do actually think I'm bringing some points to the table that are worth talking about if you care to address them. Again, my point is

I'm pretty sure Margaret came up with this for herself. It's not a role she auditioned for because it was the only thing available to her as an Asian. She's fed up with what's going on and parodied it.

I'm not trying to be a jerk but I'm having a hard time understanding your point. Maybe it's because you're arguing something different than whether it was appropriate for Cho to perform as that character? You're arguing there should be more roles for Asians in Hollywood. As an Asian I totally agree. That's separate

That's not just the view of the white people, that's also the view of the Koreans.

To be frank, I don't think it is possible to be insensitive towards the North Korean Military. Do we call caricatures of Nazis insensitive?

I get that but your sentence made it seem like you had no idea that he did in fact do that. Arguably, Cho is in a very different place- the roles open to Asian women are 99% stereotypes, but are stereotypes on the opposite end of the spectrum from scary, violent, and aggressive. Tack on that she's a comedian and it's

She was making fun of an evil dictatorship that has put the North Korean people, her people, through unimaginable pain and suffering. And do you know why she played it like that? Because SHE CAN. Because she's here. Anyone over there who pisses off the government is sent to camps and sentenced to years of forced

When I am stuck on a choice and feeling the crazy over-analyzation coming on, I just remind myself not to take life so seriously, because we're all on this ride to die.