
Don't worry about Ralphee! I have a CH kitty.... People are always really concerned when they first meet her (tears have been shed!), but they soon realize that she gets by just fine. She can't jump, but she can climb like a mofo and she's absolutely fearless. She has a lot of fans.

She didn't but don't let the facts stop you from being upset. Reading is hard, I know.

There are ways of dealing with things. I guess you'd be clapping your hands if she shot someone.

But run of the mill bullying is just fine. Ok.


"there's Manning's best friend, the snarky sidekick Felix"

Yes, but you're not handed the sonogram to take home if you're planning on aborting.

Can we file this one away with the Great Pubic Hair Debate? As in, let's stop talking about it. I know men don't understand my turquoise eyeliner, OK? I've known ever since that survey in Seventeen magazine nearly two decades ago that told me that guys don't "understand" purple nail polish. I'm wearing purple nail

I hereby nominate a successor:

Aw man......but now, let the Aisha Tyler bandwagon begin!

I can handle Red Weddings, Purple Weddings, cannibal tribes, zombie ice babies, and pretty much everything else that Game of Thrones stabs us with. But I swear to Christ, if anything happens to SER Pounce, I am DONE.

She was speeding. Regardless of stories of what may have happened and alternative points of view, that's why you don't fucking speed. Especially down a dark road without your full beams on. And when you do, and you kill/ injure someone, it's YOUR FAULT.

I believe that in Canada spousal privilege applies only to communications, not to observations. This would mean the husband can be compelled to testify.

Given that you're disregarding anything unless you've personally experienced it, as one man to another (because clearly you'd never take the word of a woman) I'd say no, you are most certainly not "an ally."

Sure, but let's be real here: it's the same core element that we love to shake our heads over when we read the histories. It's that people's bodies are being altered to fit an archetype that people can't fit. Instead of making clothes that fit people, we make people that fit the clothes. That's the perversity.

Because neither one of these have to do with women having "ideal" feet to fit certain restraining footwear, right? At least in the contemporary example, there's the illusion of free will, so I guess that's a step forward.

Probably something stronger than weed

Both this and the linked story seem to be missing a crucial bit of information... how exactly did the letters go missing for 45 years?!

And this is why people with English degrees are important. Liberal arts FTW.