
The day Brazilian girls will be allowed to burn to death in their school because they're wearing too much clothing and, because, upon being rescued, they would offend the rescuers' eyes for wearing a shirt and skirt instead of a bikini, is the day when I believe Brazilian women are more oppressed.

That's really frustrating because men are allowed to scream and lose their shit all the time. Cry out of frustration once, and everyone sees you as the hysterical crybaby that can't control their emotions or handle how life works.

I would love to see more articles like this on Jezebel. Thank you.

American of Egyptian descent here. FGM is incredibly widespread in Egypt, with some 91% of women, almost all Muslim, having undergone the practice. It's more of a religious practice than a cultural one, as the remaining nearly 10% who aren't subjected to it are almost all Coptic Christian women.

Her body may be amazing, but her personality sucks ass. I'll keep my personality and curves if being skinny means I have to judge other moms.

That's the mystery to me. I thought it already was. If I'm out and about, I won't go near alcohol if I'm driving. (And we all know how much I luvz the alcohol.) In Texas, it's a $10,000 fine for popping over the limit on a DUI test. They revoke your license. There's jail time. That's a hefty deterrent, BUT that's not

This article mainly made me wish we didn't build sex up into this huge monumental THING. I wish we could treat it more like, I don't know, skiing. There are some risks you need to be aware of, some people start when they're young, other people don't try it until they're older, and there's nothing wrong with you if you

I had to reteach myself not to allow other people's ideas about sexuality to dictate my sex life.

Strumpets, Rejoice!

Yeah, the stuff his family said were such huge red flags. If your boyfriend's mom tells you that her son is so rude he makes her cry, you should run in the opposite direction.

Yeah my sexual assault case was handled somewhat similarly in another county in Georgia. The judge told the jury that I was lying and the case was a waste of everyone's time. She even read the newspaper during my testimony. The perpetrator was found not guilty. A year later he confessed to other sexual assaults and

That's R'el Dade. Who would do something like this to such a gorgeous woman?

How about armpit gaps? Are those finally happening?

This is actually indicative of the new trend happening amongst young Tumblr professionals these days, which is "labia gap." The idea is that your vaginal lips must be positioned to form a sort of upside-down horseshoe; the wider the horseshoe, the more cachet among your fellow teen bloggers. There is training that you

God I love Kevin Bacon. I desperately wish the Following was watchable. It took all my mental strength and love of shirtless Bacon just to make it through the first season. I am probably going to get really drunk of wine and marathon season 2, so that I won't notice how terrible the writing is.

And, sometimes, just because you're a victim doesn't been you've been absolved from all responsibility.

Yay, he said something to destigmatize autism!

Oh, it's the takeyourshirtoffus spell, I use it myself. Wand in right hand, please.

Every man I speak to always says they find that kind of woman gross,

Isn't K'naan Somali-Canadian? Why yes, yes he is. Rexdale represent!