
Breast milk isn't vegan either.

I like it too. It wouldn't work on anyone else.


It was Herculaneum, the other town buried on that day, where the people were killed waiting on the beach for rescue.

I was just thinking the same thing. Why would you care what the inside of your shoes look like??

I have oily skin too, and I find my eyes sting when I'm wearing sunscreen cuz the oil brings it along as it migrates into my eyes. Really I ought to reapply powder throughout the day to prevent it, but I'm way too lazy.

Haha! :)

I do the same, except before the shower I put on a clay mask and let it dry for 15-20min. Relaxes the pores and draws everything up to the surface.

Obesity is a leading cause of liver disease. Stands to reason that if you add in heavy drinking, your liver will tank even faster. This isn't about how one looks in a bikini, this is about one's health.

*throws flowers, calls for encore*

So are you serving all your non-tipping customers sneezers? If so, may I just politely suggest you find another job that won't fill you with feelings of hostility?! My point was, most customer service jobs, even ones involving food prep, do not come with an expectation of a gratuity to make up one's wages.

My sentiments exactly.

Baristas are not classified as tipped workers, so they make the going wage. When I'm in the States, I reserve my tip fund for those servers that are classified as such, cuz the US federal wage rate for them is $2.13/hr.

Poor Jules.

I'm having a bigger problem with the pleated leather shorts, myself.

chip wilson's dumbassery has been well-documented by the Canadian media over the years.

Men's junk can be just as warty as women's.

They seem to be equating wealthy with well-off, which I find irksome.

Just because you're intelligent, doesn't mean you're smart.

LOL at the IKEA ragrug platforms!!