
Middle school girls are the spawn of Satan.

Thank you.

I know, right?!

I think it's more that she's tall, so she looks different from other actresses onscreen. I'm 5'10", and in photos standing next to my shorter friends I look like Gigantor, even though I'm quite slim.

Plenty of men in their 30's and 40's with ED.

My skin is so oily, there's no way it would stick. I bet my face could shed a piece of Duct tape in under an hour.

Love that movie.

Big Placebo! Genius! I'm stealing that!

Me too.

They're always well-contained on Mad Men, so maybe she needs to wear 60's style undergarments more.

I love that book.

And yet Kinder Surprise eggs are illegal in the States. :(

Thank you for that.

That mod would probably reawaken my addiction to that game.

Dill-pickle chips are indeed awesome.

Sorry you're having such a rough time. The boils sound awful. :(

I live about an hour from Toronto, and there are wolves here. FYI, you don't find wolves in the far north.

Almost spit my coffee all over my laptop. Well done.

That's what I was going to say.
