Brunch is good. Who doesn’t like brunch? What kind of monster are you?
Brunch is good. Who doesn’t like brunch? What kind of monster are you?
What’s more hipster than I hate this thing people are enjoying and so I’m going to slight it with detached woke-ism. This is peak kinja.
Remember Sanjaya? This is basically Sanjaya. People need to lighten the fuck up. There are nazis murdering people in the streets, people enjoying being fascinated by a weirdo does not register as an actual problem
It’s cliche to the point of cringeworthy, but it’s too fitting to not use it here:
This is beautiful. It’s a shame this country is so dedicated to dehumanizing and destroying the black community that a bigoted SOB like Farrakhan can’t be completely disregarded.
Jews aren’t a fan of pork either.
This post made me feel so happy and relaxed for some reason.
You do know he called Hitler a great guy. You do know he said women belong in the kitchen. You do know what he’s said about LGBTQ people. I mean, don’t make me go find all these quotes, but his anti-semitism really has nothing to do with Israel.
To me, this has nothing to do with the NOI which in so many ways is the ultimate of contradictions. The fact that they may have been (and Farrakhan specifically) involved with Malcolm X’s murder and that he also once led the organization encapsulates that quite well, I think.
How is Trump alive. He eats nothing but fast food and never exercises. Hate apparently can keep you clinging to life far past your time.
Also, I agree that way too often anti-Israel stances get smeared as anti-semitic when they are not, but this is an instance that has nothing to do with Israel.
Not all Jews are AIPAC. I am Jewish, I am deeply offended by Mallory’s response to this. I also believe Israel is an apartheid state and Netanyahu is a monster who should be tried at the hague.
I’m Jewish and it’s been painful to watch not just Mallory, but all the women’s march leaders to twist themselves into pretzels to not condemn Farrakhan.
Didn’t his teammates hate him because he was a dick, though? That seems like it might legitimately be an issue.
I miss the days when we had options to be paid to protest. I used to get a nice fat check from Saul Alinsky.
Well, it has 90% at rotten tomatoes. EW loves it. The Guardian love it. Seems like it’s just the kinja crew who don’t like it.
Yea, the law was well-meaning, but dumb. This was the right call.