radioactive badger

And pope Francis has done neither

That aspect might seem to be a twist elsewhere but it jibes with the reality of American Catholicism, since American bishops are known for being incredibly conservative.

I like Miami. To really appreciate Miami you need to go back in time to the early nineties and live in Eastern Europe and imagine it all from the perspective from a teenager with "connections" visiting the US for the first time.

That has happened maybe twice.

and yes this comment is just a massive flashforward joke because that show was my version of The Cape.

Ok, i just rewatched the first few episodes and none of these fucking timelines make sense. Dolores finishes episode three by wandering into Logan and William's camp after escaping a raid on her homestead, where she experienced a flashback to the MIB. During that same raid she experienced another flashback from

Dolores having a lifetime of memories doesn't equal multiple timelines for other characters.

I retract that. He interacted with the other one from the brothel.

The same picture holding on to that quality after 25-30 years is really fucking weird regardless.

Right. The scene in the church was happening 30-35 years ago.

I'm rewatching episode two right now. The Dolores interview scenes are definitely with Arnold and are in the same bunker that she reaches at the end of tonight. What I'm looking for now is to see if William (or Logan) share scenes with Maeve because then we're back to a single timeline. Edit or single-ish timelines.

To my mind the Mib/William thing was totally wiped out tonight just with Dolores' costuming.

If MiB and William are the same people then how come Dolores is wearing the clothes she's only worn with William? It doesn't fit.

Bullshit. We saw MiB interacting with William's TL version of Dolores. They are different people. Likewise, we've already seen William interact with the current incarnation of Maeve (oops sorry that was bullshit and confused characters). Same timeline, folks.

Most people still are. Ask the average person about Asians and you would not believe the crap that will come out.

Clinton had courage but no convictions; Kaine had convictions but not courage.

The Adams family were much, much better legislators than executives. It's honestly ridiculous.

He probably knew Lew Wallace.

Democrats are actually shit at organizing minority voters because of laziness and assuming that by having larger demographic numbers they don't have to do the legwork. It also doesn't help that if you're a minority, you're probably poor, which means working two jobs and not having time to stand in line. I don't think

Indeed. It's in the name — "republic." Though, that was probably more due to the original Republicans' intent on keeping the Republic intact.