
Not to mention that it isn't an all-or-nothing type of ethical evaluation to go vegan. It's practically impossible to live without using encountering animal products in the tools we use, the clothes we wear, the vehicles we use for transport, etc, but that doesn't mean that trying to reduce your impact on the globe

Solid post. I was just about comment about the prospect of trying the vaccine on people at-risk for HIV contraction, but I see you beat me to it.

If it's your opinion, own up to it. I could just as easily generalize that most non-vegans are incredibly rude and judgmental about my own personal decisions regarding what I eat and bothering me about why I decided to go vegan when I'm just trying to have lunch, but that would just be based on a couple of bad

"We HAVE to have meat for the proper functioning of our bodies. Sure you may be able to get by on synthetics, or greens only, but studies have shown that those who are purely vegetarian are more often than not undernourished and more susceptible to general sickness. "

What about the Android Market? Android has Netflix and it works great on my Galaxy S 4G. If it's more affordable than the Kindle, has a faster processor than the current gen, and gets the official Google Apps, then I could see it as a contender.

I'm waiting to see what the next Nook Color is going to cost and the features that it will officially have.

As a vegan, I'll also throw my hat against the tactics that PETA often uses. Much more moderate animal protection organizations to support include COK: [www.cok.net] and PCRM: [www.pcrm.org]

Yes, but most people don't shop at Whole Foods, and even the people who shop at Whole Foods are likely to eat animal products in other foods (restaurants, processed foods, etc) they consume where the sourcing may be questionable. It's really hard to avoid animal products (whey, wool, leather, gelatin, eggs, casein,

Stereotyping is so cool.

It's like that for all electronics though, isn't it? Americans pay less for most electronics because the market drives the price down. If you control a market (tariffs, taxes, etc), prices will be higher.

I don't think it was the price point and specs that resulted in the limited software development. IMO, the problem was that the only company making worthwhile games was Nintendo. I think too many of the big publishers wanted to make the huge bucks with the $60 games on XboX360 and PS3. Nintendo should have worked

Cool illustration. If I got this right, with an INFINITE # of monkeys, one monkey would hit all 5000 (hypothetical) characters correctly in a row and recreate Shakespeare's works. So, the only "limiting" factor here would be the speed of the monkey's typing. If the monkey could do a solid 80 wpm and the average

My deity has more noodly appendages than yours.

Your understanding of evolutionary biology and behavior is a bit lacking. Concepts as complicated as hatred/dislike of a particular lifestyle are not "innate"/a priori. People in Salem don't stone/drown witches anymore, do they? If you said sexual attraction was an innate instinctual desire, then I'd agree with you.

Flying Spaghetti Monster disagrees with your idea of "sin," heathen.

"This question is for everyone: If this officer's actions were excessive, why hadn't any of the concerned bystanders stopped the fight themselves before he arrived?"

No need for all the caps, dude. Chill.

Now playing

Coming full circle, a hardcore/metal interpretation from the NW's Botch.

Good points. I forgot in my post to include how the internet is becoming more and more necessary in our modern society. Often, educational access and job listings are migrating to the internet without paper options, leaving a lot of people disenfranchised, which is why some European countries are beginning to see

We tell businesses how to do lots of things, from regulating their waste disposal to treating their own employees. Laws exist because we have a democracy where our representatives put conditions on the way people and businesses can act in a civilized society. If you don't like the regulations, vote for