
I would have written "... that Baer learned that the unit from which he had been saved had taken part in the D-Day landings." I hate ending a phrase with a preposition, but maybe that's just me.

Where was Upgrayedd when she needed him?!

I don't think the article is that sensationalist. Some people mind this Apple blip more than other people, and I think full disclosure is the only way to win with the more paranoid consumers in the population. I don't have an iPhone, but I probably would be one of the people who wouldn't mind this "logging of local

"Logging locally the IP addresses you are browsing from throughout the day."

The CS majors at my undergrad, University of Maryland, were hardcore. Sometimes I'd see those kids only once a week in between their 9-10 hour coding session. The way they explained it to me was that every semester is a "weed out" semester. Now that I'm in veterinary school, I'm the minority, being one of 18 men in

Yeah, all the dispersant and oil immediately became soluble in water and diluted into all of the ocean's 6,000,000,000,000,00000000000000000 gallons in a matter of minutes. Problem solved! Call it a night and let's go to Bennigan's, fellas!

+1 Dezerus.

"I'm not disputing that, just disputing this media hype that this is a huge disaster. Yes, it caused damage, and yes it is affecting peoples lives. But, nothing on the scale that the media or the administration want you to believe. "

My thoughts exactly. How about better public transport infrastructure, and better, more efficient long-distance trains and bus services? Instead of tax incentives to get people to buy these cars, they should just invest more in those long-term improvements, IMHO.

Yeah, it sounds like the ACLU is accusing the cops of asking for your cellphone, downloading info off your SD card using the device pictured, and not really telling you why. Sounds fishy. If you're being arrested, apparently you can be searched without the whole warrant process (according to Professor Wiki).

Well, tell me then, why all these gays keep trying to fellate me?

No, I agree. Re-read what I was replying to.

This was my favorite one. I believe I had to send boxtops and shipping & handling to get it from the cereal company. It was actually pretty fun!

"What makes me angry is when groups like the LGBT go around bickering about their lives being hard. There are people all over the World who would rather be in their shoes right now."

I don't think you understood the statement. It's not that sexual orientation can make you successful. It's that being bullied and abused can prevent you from living freely and thus being successful in life. If you live in fear, then it's hard to go after your goals and have confidence in your abilities.

There was actually a lesbian woman from NYC who posted a video called, "It doesn't get better," and sent the link to Dan Savage. I believe the gist of the video was that her day-to-day life is tougher because, unlike most of the celebrities doing these popular videos, she's working class and still faces

Surprise, surprise. Jerks on the internet make light of homophobia and discrimination.

It's all good, holmes. I'm in a medical program (veterinary) and I just finished up my first nutrition course that tied in some of the endocrinology, so it's pretty fresh in my head.

The propaganda of all extremist groups are silly. PETA does a lot of silly things; they also have helped pass legislation in America that protects the welfare of animals.

Anything could be blamed. I don't know the guy or how he lives.