
"That's not to say Blockbuster's doing everything right. The lack of internet streaming option is a big mistake, even though I prefer 1080p Blu-rays to Netflix's HD streams. "

@MrSelfish1: Careful, Mr. Ayn Rand, the Socialists are out to get you!

@Monty: Then it gets even more confusing when the carrier's cost of building out service is off-set by government subsidies, which the carriers don't want you to know about. They can claim a high cost of providing service, even when they've been given a boost.

@Michael Lewis: I agree with you, but I wonder what a non-digital analogue of this would be. Is this the same as leaving the curtains open in your house and people finding out about your craaaazy birthmark? Or maybe having your social security number tattooed on your bicep, barbed-wire style? In both those situations,

@vinterchaos: Yeah, umm, judging by the people rocking Macbooks and ipads at Starbucks, Borders, etc, I'm not sure I would notice one of these "punches".

"Webb also took a piece of electrical tape and wrapped it around the iPhone's metal band where the hand was causing interference. He then repeated the experiment above. "There was absolutely no difference between having the electrical tape and not having it," he reports."

@taniquetil: Someone should just head off any page of comments listing every cliche objection to particular topics that have been beaten to death from xbox vs. ps3 to apple vs. google, etc. Or maybe commenters should actually read other comments before they post.

@CaptainCyanide: Wouldn't court costs be covered by court fees and such? I don't think filing suits is free and if the suit is bogus then it can be dismissed by the court.

@Felipe Arcos: So, you're defending the bad referee calling because it's part of the "essence"? Sorry, holmes, but it's not just US fans who have witnessed bad calls and want some improvement. Bad calls do not make the sport "fun"; great playing will take care of the fun part.

Born in '83, but, as a very awkward geek, all my tape mixes were made for myself. Some recorded from the radio included songs from Boyz II Men and G'n'R on the same side! By the time I developed the confidence to talk to girls in '99, Napster was out and made everything a lot easier with making mixes.

@ProsumeThis: Apples to oranges. It's obvious from all the hype that the 3D aspect more than makes up for the number of analog sticks. It's not a bias if it's rooted in viewing a handheld console in context.

@Lailoken The Yeti: I have had a Wii for over a year and still play it regularly for games like SMG2 and SMBWii. Having younger cousins who play all the kid-friendly Wii games and other older friends who love the Virtual Console to play their favorite Nintendo classics along with new versions of Zelda, I think you're

@VIn: Seriously. What's with all the snide anti-American remarks on any thread about soccer? Many of us Americans are first-generation (Mexico right here!) with roots in countries where 'el futbol' is supreme. Don't paint all Americans with the same wide brush; it makes you look ignorant when you do that. I'm

Some of you have mentioned the iAd restriction that requires a $1 million buy-in. Does that mean that other ad-supported games and applications that were normally free are going to be pushed onto iAds to stay free, or do you think more apps are going to cost money now?

I wish they would bring back the X-Swatch. Maybe then the music playing in the ad wouldn't be so cheesy.

@madisomi: philosophsaur: Seriously! I was just thinking about downgrading to a Virgin Mobile dumbphone with a $25/month plan and getting an internet tablet with a data plan to save money, but I might just stick with my cheap, paid-off MyTouch3G. I don't really need a faster processor and 2.2 gets me the multiple