
It's also possible your Love Language is Acts of Service. Not so much about proving anyone wrong, but I found the test to be a useful tool.

Kind of a tangent but at this point in your marriage how often does your wife thinks is enough?

I believe the harm would be in the decreased sales of trademarked merchandise.

She did it for money. Clearly this is an American Hero.

Yeah but that's all what so and so said type of thing, and it's a way better story to be thrown out for something controversial like breastfeeding than just being another person with a kid. If the article can cite the official policy of exactly what is allowed in a court room for this particular case THEN you can

The one time I was waiting inside a courtroom there was quite the kerfuffle because a lady was told children weren't allowed inside. Maybe it was less about boobs and more about that?

It's all the weird crap we put in our systems that we didn't 100 years ago. It's throwing everything off.

Main take-away: Charles is a wuss.

I'm going to take this quote and T-shirt it. We all know it's true.

It seems pretty clear she needs a job. Maybe this guy has connections.

Aaaaand GOOD.

You make an excellent point.

Well Agreed. You couldn't lean back though.

So is the deeper undercurrent here the pro-empathy vs non-empathy camps of society?

Ultimately, in a Southern city like Houston the adult entertainment industry is pretty ingrained.

On behalf of America, take this to the lawyers. Sue for bigger seats. Make it a damn health code.

Thanks for reminding me to be thankful that I skipped that possible tiny hell of puberty (I saw it second-hand at friends' houses). My parents were insistent to an almost extreme to never comment anything beyond "tuck in your shirt" on our looks. Dyed my hair orange once... nothing. I lost 40 pounds this year. Not. A.

Also because it's so disingenuous to say they're "doing what they want". Bullshit. No one wants to be 350lbs and out of breath walking across the house. No one wants to keep their kids shuttered inside the home instead of taking the to the park because they can't move. No one Wants sleep apenea.... They aren't doing

When my older brother broke into a sweat and got out of breath walking from the car to a restaurant about 100 ft away I said something about the damn weight. I was doing long term planning the other day and caught myself thinking "will Chris have had a heart attack by then?" So yeah, maybe it's not exactly smoke

Any other lucid dreamers here? This is a massive tangent, but I was hoping to confirm the experience of looking in a mirror in a lucid dream and not seeing.. anything. For some reason mirrors don't work in dreams? I don't know anyone in my life who is a consistent lucid dreamer so I was wondering if this is a thing.