Does armpit hair gray?
Does armpit hair gray?
As a student, the phrase "clothing that puts the focus on learning" confuses me. If I'm pulling on leggings and a t shirt, aren't I putting my focus not on my appearance by not dressing up? If I'm wearing short shorts and a tank in 95 degree weather, I am definitely putting my focus on learning. I can't learn if I'm…
I'm wearing a shirt today that would definitely look MUCH different on a busty woman. You are dead on with this.
I really don't see it as that big of a deal. I always crack an egg into a cup before adding it to whatever I'm cooking just in case it's fertilised even though I think that has only happened once in my life.
There's nothing wrong with having a preference. We all have preferences: for penis sizes, for breast sizes, for hair colors, etc.
Thanks for this! I hate getting inundated with the "real women have curves" brigade. I have a big ass, but I have tiny titties. Am I not a real woman? One time I told an older woman that I was "pear shaped", and she said "No, you're woman-shaped". That's silly, but true.
I'm glad you reduced the entirety of this article down to what you find personally attractive. Truly well done. Bravo, sir.
There is everything disrespectful about injecting your irrelevant, meaningless opinion about women's bodies into a discussion by women about their bodies. No one here knows you or cares about your opinions on breasts - which you acknowledged before barrelling through anyway. Buy yourself a journal and put this kind of…
Yeah it's not about your opinion. Really. It's not.
In high school, I was informed that I was chair of the IBTC, so you should promptly remove that from your resume.
I was also given detention for responding to that particular gentleman that we couldn't all be blessed with his cleavage. I'm gonna go add that to mine.
The point. You missed it.
As someone on the asexual spectrum, PLEASE KEEP IT TO YOURSELF if you think people are weird or abnormal for not wanting sex. I get that you mean well and you're just expressing yourself on a forum, but if you read up on asexuality the one theme that keeps coming back is that it's really common for asexual people to…
Feminism is about creating an environment where you can just do you, as long as you're not hurting anyone else. Have a career or don't, have children or don't, have sex or don't. However, feminism tends to champion the route that's traditionally been harder for a woman to pursue, because someone has to. That's why…
This is not the point of the article, but lately I hear every woman preface a complaint with "I'm sorry." My good friend has been doing this a lot for the past few months. I'm going to make a better effort to not say "I'm sorry" before I'm about to be critical.
For the girl thing, I know you didn't mean it that way 'cause you're clearly a nice dude, but historically women have been viewed as equivalent to children and that's why it has been so common to refer to adult women as "girls". It's similar how white people would publicly call an adult male African-American "boy"…
Believe it or not, I feel like some dudes are rude the way they open doors for women (not saying you are like this). But about 40% of the time when a dude opens a door for me, I'll either get a creepy look/vibe like, "Hehe, I'm about to check out your ass. I'm so stealth!" or he will look at me expectantly as if…
I've had sort of the opposite problem. I'm so fiercely independent that I forget that some men have this need to be needed thing. So I don't even bother asking for their advice or opinions. Most of the time, they don't live in my head with me and do not have all the facts that I have with which to make the decision.…
Precisely. A woman with masculine qualities is often celebrated for being "one of the boys," but a man with feminine qualities is definitely not celebrated as "one of the girls," especially if he's straight. Masculinity is admirable, femininity is pitiable.
I prefer, "dance!" it's less likely to end up with them telling you some extremely racist or sexist joke, and more likely to end with them being super uncomfortable.
If that's what you got from the article, then yes. Please never talk to women again.