“one toxic thing”
“one toxic thing”
Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.
The racial caricatures there aren’t nearly as bad as the offenses against design and taste buds. The place is truly awful, even as camp.
Please, ignorant shit-heads of the world - why are you so eager to name a baseball team after Native Americans? I mean, that’s really the hill you want to die on?
LOlOlOlOlZ your family is worthless.
Dear Racist:
Hahahaha oh man, your disdain for “PC culture” is so EDGY!
It is important to recognize the definition of “big government” in the eyes of Curt and company is, and always has been, “government not acting on behalf of me, personally.”
Poor Curt Schilling. Perhaps he thinks the government should protect his job from the invisible hand of free market forces. You know, like maybe regulators should interfere in corporate decision making... but only in this case and only for him? That’ll show the liberals.
Some would say he’s still horrible. I wouldn’t know I don’t watch his vids.
“Ten Infidel Zionist Crusaders I Think I Think Should Be Executed”
the good thing is that even though we all bought the game(because it was a genuinely good game) he didn’t make single cent from any of the sales of the game.
I’ve tried multiple times to finish the game. I like it, but after awhile it gets very repetitive, and yeah, it feels like it was supposed to be an MMO, and is now a ghost town of giant wide-open spaces filled with empty. If they’d focused on making the game into a giant open-world single player game and never thought…
You said “It’s hard not to feel sorry for Schilling”. This guy cost so many of his employees so much trying to fulfill his expectations and believing his promises. If anything I feel sorry for all the people he screwed in his ambitions and I hope they are all better off now than they were under his direction.
It’s not about the viewpoint, it’s that he was a jackass about it.
How are we not coexisting with different viewpoints? What you’re talking about is a consequence free environment and that indeed shouldn’t exist.
I wish I knew how much of a douche nozzle Schilling was sooner, ‘cause I bought and LOVED Kingdoms of Amalur.
Best Klans In Baseball!
Let’s cut the guy some slack on his day off. It’s not easy being a St. Louis policeman.
“Oh so now everyone who has a swatstika tattoo is a racist?”