
Why is that so hard to understand?

black feminism=womanism

You guys, she has her own YouTube channel:

Because this is Jezebel, and its readership is mostly white. That's not a bad thing, but when it comes to articles like these, the white tears just start pouring.

You know what I can't stand?

What an asshole. And there's no "possibility of this maybe being racist". It IS.

Aw, come on. This is a good thing, Diziet.

No, I suppose you can't.

I'm so sorry that you had to go through that.


I snorted to myself as well.

Ha. Ha ha.

First of all, I applaud you for talking about something like this on a public forum. It implies that you are at least thinking about the consequences of your actions in the context of gender relations and attempting to learn more about these issues.

I am so sorry that happened to you. That is some messed up, next level bullshit.

Yay for blaming the victim under the guise of providing hindsight! You're SO SMART.

The best day of the year!

It was meant as sarcasm, but I totally understand your point.