PPBLT? Doesn't sound too appealing. I shall still...give it a try. ((gulps))
PPBLT? Doesn't sound too appealing. I shall still...give it a try. ((gulps))
Okie-doke, Gornack! Bye now!
Didn't I just go through all the reasons why I personally find him attractive?
Tell me Gornack, have you ever been attracted to anyone? Even on a (gasp!) superficial level?
I've got a feeling that even if I "define" charisma for you ("What is charisma?" Seriously? That's like asking, "What is sexy?" or even, "What is normal?") you'll still feel the same. Quite frankly, I have no interest in "debating" this with you further.
Oh, stop regurgitating the same old questions you asked SisterRay.
I respect people who accomplish what they set out to accomplish. These things don't necessarily involve money or power. Obviously, as the former president of the United States, he had a considerable amount of power. He was the most powerful man in the world. But, as another poster commented, there's something about…
Sorry that I can't appreciate a comment as ridiculously sexist as yours.
Um, excuse me?
That makes me sad. :(
Could he be any more fuckable?
Hi Steve! There are plenty of other non-slutty reasons why women use contraception:
Mass production of crops/the use of hormones in food production has been around for almost two decades. Obviously that is a very large and direct contributor to many of today's children being overweight/obese, but there are a number of other odd reasons as to why that rate is still growing: the harsh economy and one's…
How is that not what freedom of speech is? Like it or not, this family IS open to criticism (that there is an entire television series dedicated to them demonstrates this very point). Why you classify ANY and all criticism as some form of hatemongering is strange to me. It's a cause for concern, the way this family…
"Skank", huh?
I was thinking literally the exact same thing.