
By making the most detestable character in the entire series a trans woman? How is that a positive?

Anytime I hear about Zaslav it’s basically a story about how much he’s lubing his hands for the shareholders. The fact that he and Rowling, two of the most disgusting people in entertainment, seem to be buddies doesn’t shock me in the least

Zaslav’s stubby, uniform teeth really bother me. No canines? It’s like he’s wearing an elaborate human costume but cheaped out on the teeth.

Two lovely people. Would hate it if an asteroid struck the location of their meeting.

I think we should count on her shitty views leaking into this series, whether it’s villains suddenly turning out to be LGBTQ or Hermione coming out as a brave truth-telling bigot for no particular reason. (As opposed to opposing slavery until it became clear that opposing it turned out to be difficult and she decided

But she keeps saying she’s the rEaL ViCtim in da CultURe WARz!! Isn’t she about to go to jail for her noble views about not shutting up about things that are not effecting her in anyway? That’s sarcasm, btw. 

Ya know, if Zaz actually did that, it wouldn’t make up for the capitalist tax vulture junk that WB has done, but it would actually give him a couple of points in a positive direction. 

“Oh, also, Dolores Umbridge was actually a trans woman.” 

I thought it was going to be a season finale or a little later in the season. Kinda surprised when that final scene with Price and the announcement.

Eh. I always thought his role in the revival was temporary at best. He’s older, his character is older, and it hasn’t really made sense for him to still be working at his age. The dude’s 83.

Marvel and Sony have all they need in Spidey’s extensive rogue’s gallery. Doom is a churl and a bounder. None approach the sublime, gentlemanly qualities of Turner D. Century.

Should be Zod. World is primed for more Zod. ZOD!

(to fill a content hole created by the SAG-AFTRA strike)“

I think people are purposely conflating the two.

The real take should be: we’ve got Biden, who is on a slow, gentle glide in a fairly typical retirement old-guy mindset, and we’ve got Trump who is in a steep decline into blithering madness. They are two different angles of descent. We’re stuck with both because of rules and reasons: An incumbent president has the

It’s not about Biden’s age. Martha Stewart is 82, and I never hear her age mentioned in anything other than a complementary sense.

And yet still no story on AV Club about John Oliver offering one million dollars a year (and a state-of-the-art tour bus) to Clarence Thomas if he’ll just “get the fuck off the Supreme Court now”.

No one expects Stewart to be a propagandist for Biden the way Tucker is for Trump. It’s just supremely unreal to see the media at large, including Stewart, treat Biden’s age and occaisonal gaffes as if they’re in any way comparable to Trump’s insane, dictatatorial, self-absorbed ramblings.

i didn’t have a problem with him mentioning biden’s age but i found that for his first commentary back, that pointing out that both candidates are old and america deserves better candidates wasn’t some homerun that he, and others, thought...as this has been discussed ad nauseam, and will continue to be, until the