I watched Dark Winds immediately before Westworld and thought “ oh, he’s back”.
I watched Dark Winds immediately before Westworld and thought “ oh, he’s back”.
“ Can you prove it didn't happen? "-the Amazing Creskin, Plan 9 from Outer Space.
“ Trump threw his lunch against the White House dining room wall, leaving ketchup dripping down the wall.”
And Pence, and Cruz... They're all waiting for him to drop dead or their careers are over.
So many of these anti-trans laws are anti M>F, completely ignoring that people like Elliot are even part of it.
Maybe if they had a scoreboard of the number of stars,plungers,etc. it would feel like more of a competition. Right now it just seems to meander along.
“an under-age debutante trying very, very hard to pass for a sophisticated grown-up,”
It was on TCM 2 nights ago! So much for NC-17. ( they've been doing Gay filmmakers all month)
That would have done better than that kiss, which just irritates everyone.
One of the fun parts of the new Irma Vep series. Dueling personal assistants.
At the time I thought it was very brave and useful of him, and made up for Bosom Buddies which really made me cringe.
“ Stay wood, kid". The best version of them all.
Go back to the beginning. Film The Skylark of Space or Lensmen with some funny names and laser swords. Get rid of all the myth and incest.
Well his dad was sort of former Navy so it makes sense.
Loki in the Eddas is more omni-sexual than anything. No limits!
Not Harley.
The Tina Weymouth story. Let the sparks fly!
They aren't going to make their money back.
Teddy didn't die. He got fed up and shot himself.
They should at least have a subtitled version.