
Our first kid was a precious, little bundle of joy.

You just judged the shit out of that well intentioned poster.

Former FAA rulemaker here- Actually it’s not safe to hold a child of any age in your lap when flying. The safest thing is for a small child to be in an air travel approved child seat. In unexpected turbulence, your child is a projectile to be injured or injure others or both. The only reason there aren’t regulations

Congratulations to you and your wife! (And thank you for having the decency to pay more for everyone’s comfort when you needed to.)

If you have a child with a severe peanut allergy, THE PARENT should have an epi pen. Think about it, would you expect the airline to have a dispensary and pharmacist/nurse on every flight to cover every sickness/disease? Your plane ticket would be $10,000.

As a formerly large person (400+ lbs), flying was not comfortable for me or the person sitting next to me. I had to use the seat belt extender, and usually put the chair arm up. I felt horrible for the person next to me. Most of the time when we flew, we would buy 3 tickets for 2 of us (my wife was large too).

>”...I’m not risking it even if my doctor said to...”

They have infants Benadryl. Here’s a link to a dosing chart from a pediatric group:

Yes, and we’re not having another. And before you get started, I’m not the least bit interested in having this turn into a discussion where we judge each other’s parenting. I’m just stating what I did and why.

This is your first kid, isn’t it?

I would MUCH rather fly with a 6 month old than a two year old. Much easier to deal with and far less antsy. A 4-5 year old should be able to chill though unless they are special needs and that is a different story.

My pediatrician recommended Benadryl for children before flights. It eases the pressure in the ears, and tends to make them a bit sleepy.

Are you spending a lot of time indoors? Maybe the brown is wearing off.

As others have stated, this was already addressed in the landmark Supreme Court case of Smelt it v. Dealt it

The only time I came remotely close to being thrown off for drunkenness, I promptly shut up and went to sleep. You stay out of a lot of trouble being a happy drunk. (I was not being combative, just really loud.)

I was seriously concerned that our last flight we were going to be removed. Our two-year-old was forced to sit belted in her seat rather than being held by Mommy, and she was not at all happy about it. Screamed bloody murder from taxi-ing until we leveled out and Mom was allowed to hold her. She was fine, right up

Has any reader seen someone kicked off a plane for farting? I’d like to hear about it. I’m sure the culprit would deny it and the evidence, while recirculating in the cabin, would be tough to pin on someone.

You forgot traveling while brown. Which is a thing and happens often.