
This is me too. You should talk to a dermatologist, especially if you sweat all over. Oral medications (anticholinergics) can reduce the amount you sweat making it more bearable. Your doctor might also suggest other treatments, but this helped me be more comfortable in life. You can also get stronger medication or

Well, since it’s June, I won’t be trying the thermostat trick just now, but I’ll try the cold water thing. I sweat like nobody’s business, even just walking down the street on a 60 degree day I can get a little moist. I’m not super overweight - 6-1, about 218 lbs. - I run on a regular basis, workout at the gym, etc.

Judging from my sweat output and the relatively poor condition I’m currently in, no.

I finally just went with the bandana. You look like an asshole, but you also don’t have to clean puddles off of the benches.

LinkedIn: a dry-toast version of Facebook.

What if you only sweat more than others in the head region? Seriously, I'm curious. That's me and it's annoying, especially at the gym.

Also do not take friends advice and stop drinking water or other fluids to control your sweating. if you sweat when its hot out and stop drinking so you do not sweat.... That is a very very BAD thing. I was very stupid in highschool and listened to the other classmates when I was told, “stop drinking the Gatorade an

Make and keep appointments for later in the week. People recovering from traumatic injuries require frequent transfusions and that is in addition to the typical area requirements for those with blood cancers, etc. Seeing the local donation centers overwhelmed gives me some faith in humanity. Thank you all who went out

Please somebody get me out of the gray.

Sorry, are you fighting a war? I can’t imagine why else you would need an assault rifle. I think it’s pretty obvious what citizens need: to not be murdered because people like you want to own weapons whose only purpose is to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.
Your right to own a gun doesn’t trump

Beyond that, if you’re eligable, you should consider giving blood to your own community

If you are seeing this tragedy and running out to donate blood, think about donating blood more frequently than only when there are large tragedies.

One Blood is also in need of bagged ice to store blood, and also are running low on snacks, water, juice, and fruit for those donating blood. I was able to purchase some of these items on Amazon Prime Now and sent them to the Orlando West Michigan Donor Center, 345 W Michigan Street, Ste. 106, Orlando, FL 32806. I

Good god, this. This forever.

Here’s something: support the reigning in of the mass proliferation of weapons in our country. No citizen needs an AR-15, a weapon designed solely to kill quickly and efficiently, as seen here and many other places. The facts prove that countries with fewer weapons have fewer such crimes. It is utter lunacy that in a

I wish I could give blood. I have shitty anemic blood and after a bad experience of being turned away in college I haven’t tried since. What are the rules for donating?

Don’t forget the Soju!

Don’t forget the dead dog on the other side.