
These are great tips, Patrick. Thanks!

Man, I made it almost six years without this story coming out

So long and thanks for the fish, may the Force be with you, live long and prosper, may the odds be ever in your favor, valar morghulis, may the road rise up to meet your feet and may you make it to heaven before the devil knows that your dead.

So long and thanks for all the tips!

When you’re at work, just think about how you’re literally getting paid to poop. You’ll relax and you’ll be excited to do it again. “I made $5 for dropping a deuce today!”

there’s nothing comfortable about pooping in public restrooms, ever

My SO thinks im weird because i can not poop comfortably in public restrooms.

Unfamiliar microflora cause the problems for most travelers. As a resident you are most likely familiar with all the local microflora and it would make sense that you would be unaffected.

I think Uber is clearly in the right here. Passenger’s trip took longer 10 minutes longer than usual, Uber refunded the cost of that 10 minutes.

You feel like you shouldn’t pay for the trip at all because it took 10 extra minutes? I definitely think they should have adjusted the cost, which they did, but I don’t really see why they would refund the whole thing for that. I mean, you still got to your destination.

Enjoy your DUI and the guilt of killing that teenage girl you drove into.

You got it! With Lyft, 3 stars and below and you will not be matched with that passenger or driver again. With Uber we just see your rating and don’t except the ride if it’s really low. $5 tip though will get you a lot closer to 5 stars no matter how awful a person you might be.

If you're not creepy and don't puke in my car, you get five stars.

Uber does not provide a way to tip via the app. Uber’s offical word to passengers about tipping = ” You don’t need cash when you ride with Uber. Once you arrive at your destination, your fare is automatically charged to your credit card on file — there’s no need to tip.”

Re: Tipping

I always type in the destination beforehand and, still, frequently when I get in the car, the first thing they say is, “ok, where are we going” and then look at the app to check for the destination.

Can’t believe you didn’t include how to check your own rating within the Uber app.

So is this why someone I know (who’s kind of a dick) never gets picked up by drivers? Could they possibly have given tons of bad feedback and no one picks them up bc of it?