
Oh good, now it’s even easier for my students to plagiarize Wikipedia...

To really paralllel the Christmas story, you should give them three boring gifts that are of no interest or use to children. It builds character! ;)

Family gifts don’t count for “kids” gifts. Personally I always got way too much crap and I think I would have appreciated it just as much if I got fewer more meaningfully gifts. Maybe save some of the deals snagged during this time for other times during the year as rewards or incentives for whatever but it really was

Melanie, Large gifts like that we typically label as a family gift for everyone. Since we still have a child at home this would be a Santa delivered gift, but once she no longer believes it will be wrapped with no FROM: so she and anyone else who doesn’t know what it is can unwrap it.

I don’t have kids yet, but if/when I am so lucky, I definitely want to keep it to a small number. It feels like it’ll be tough to control that balance between sticking to our principles as parents and making sure Christmas doesn’t feel like a let-down, especially given all the information they absorb from movies,

Side note - next school year, we’ve already told our daughter, that she is getting $xxx amount for back to school stuff. She can divvy it up however she would like. But that’s all she gets. She wants a $70 pair of jeans? Fine, but you won’t get something else. She’s already resisting. But trying to teach some fiscal

Too damned many. We always start out with good intentions, but by the time Xmas rolls around, ends up being a giftstorm.

“Is the data you are deleting more sensitive than the data you are not deleting?”

Yes, thus the reason you might be deleting it, in the first place.

it’s for all those accidentally sexy selfies that spontaneously show up on your hard drive

Yeah, I mentioned it’s only useful for older Macs without SSDs.

Tip #5 is especially a good one. Makes it a lot easier to adjust!

Agreed. Makes it so much easier to sleep, at least for me. I’ve tried a travel neck pillow, but I can never get them to rest just right.


Seriously, don’t have caffeine, hydrate just enough to stay healthy but not so much you have to get up from your comfy window seat to urinate every 12 minutes, carefully plan ahead your reading material, but spend as much time as possible passed out. Even if you’re not fully asleep, a little guided meditation is

my only amendment to this would be window seat for red eyes or early flights less than an 3 hours so I can sleep - i can hold my bathroom issues [usually] for a 1-2hr flight and i rather be able to lean against the wall for some Z’s

Noise canceling headphones. The engine whine leaves me exhausted otherwise. I’m a fan of Audio Books, so I just start one up and zone out with my tablet for the the ride. I always pack a battery pack or two just in case.

I do a combination of things:

On long flights I travel with just a carry-on so I don’t stress about luggage, wear sweat clothes for comfort, eat a nice light meal before my flight so I’m not hungry, have water and sit in the aisle so I can exit whenever I want.

I don’t want to question the man, but you have to be very careful about delaying your product. Eventually, you’ll have to release something, because remember: perfection is the enemy of progress.

Used this once in a job interview regarding how I felt about delaying software (though it’s really applicable to any product). He obviously said it before the days that allowed DLC and patches to fix a “rushed” game, but I don’t think he’d take advantage of the system like that either.

I read somewhere once that the most important thing to look for in a spouse is someone who looks at a room and has the same opinion as you on whether it’s clean. While it’s a gross oversimplification, I think about that a lot.