
Speaking of eating at work... If someone is eating at their desk and making loud chewing, crunching, smacking noises and not talking UNLESS there is a large gob of food in their gob, can I slap them without getting HR involved?

Kenji! Was pleasantly surprised to see him on here this week. I always enjoy the way he breaks things down.

So many of the compliments that my cooking has received are actually owed to this man. Seems that every time I search for a better way to prepare anything, I end up reading one of his articles. I spent probably a good hour reading about how to boil an egg and was thoroughly entertained.

Mailbox lost the close, minimize, full screen buttons.

I had Word 2016 repeatedly and consistently crash on me while working on a resume last night. Had to move to the Windows box.

We call out WAY more than Apple in the article.

I used to think Apple fans were silly for buying into a mindset like that. Then I bought a motorcycle.

Uninformed opinion is as bad as brand loyalty. Typically Apple haters parrot the same made up and inaccurate statements over and over again. like the “It’s expensive” mantra.

Oh you think Android dosen’t have hipsters? I guess you haven’t gone to any Android forums where the only tech advice offered most of the time is ROOT THE PHONE NOOB! WHY YOU RUN STOCK LOSER?! CYANGONEMOD!

Alan, you pretty much nailed it.

I think it is more of aligning with an ecosystem than a brand. Apple makes good hardware, Samsung makes good hardware, LG makes good hardware, etc. If your ecosystem of choice works for you, there’s no pressing reason to change.

I think you’re on to something here that I didn’t get a chance to address in the article: the whole “ecosystem” play that every tech company is going for these days.

Those numbers really perfectly illustrate the fact that these guys show about as much respect for tax dollars as they do for toilet paper. $2.5 billion in losses from the last shutdown... and they are going to do it again over $500 million of funding that is only loosely tied to the issue they are up in arms about.

I do believe you got your parties mixed up.

The budget is a large document that funds the entire government. If the president refuses to sign it because there is nothing in there for Planned Parenthood, that it seems to me that he is the one who is not following the rules.

I agree that there should be checks and balances, but I do not agree with the way that it is being used in recent years. It is Congress’s job to approve a budget for the government. When they fail to do their job, the government shuts down, negatively effecting millions of people. At least this year’s threat to

What kills me about things like this is that back when the Republicans held all of Congress, the presidency and had a majority in the Supreme Court, they did nothing to address the things that are suddenly so important. They had a blank check. They could have outlawed abortion entirely if they wanted. Planned

It’s pathetic that the people in Congress use this as a way to get what they want. It’s the same thing as a 4 year old throwing a temper tantrum in a store so that their parent will buy the toy they want. They don’t care that they are negatively effecting the lives of millions of people who will lose out on pay for

Outside of all these practice realities, I think it’s growing ever-more-clear that a government shutdown means that this just isn’t working anymore... This can not be what the founders of this nation intended for us.