
Nothing, nothing at all.

I thought you said:

Bra, ain’t you the kid that left the WSJ like after a second?

You should go back to work now.

ITT lots of people who don’t sleep enough angrily telling us how they’re perfectly happy.

Single people

Absolutely. Better things come from those that don’t let work rule their life and intentionally stop working regularly to recharge.

Is it just me, or does it look crooked?

Indeed, and furthermore, it’s just not true. I know people who don’t work who seem to enjoy all the good things in life. And I’ve known some people who have worked seemingly from birth, and all they have to look forward to is heaven.

Ah, yes - the mythical clean with no loose cables, papers or anything desk. I remember that. Lasted about three minutes before I started using the space.

Yeah. I feel that it’s such an absolute statement. All I get from it was “work until you die”.

How can you enjoy the good things in life when you’re working everyday of your life? That’s a horrible mantra.

Besides your actual passport, you should carry a color copy of you passport’s info page. Is a LIFE SAVER if you ever lose the physical copy.

I love this article so much. I have a background in nursing, and I get asked all his stuff all the time, and nobody wants to hear that the latest greatest fad or product is crap.

I’m going to stick with eating reasonable amounts of reasonably healthy foods and riding my bike and hopefully that’ll work out for me.

Dude, he’s not dissing a High Fat diet. He’s merely stating that Butter in your Coffee is not a solution to obesity. A low-carb high-fat diet may be (I am on Keto) but unless you’re on LCHF the butter in your coffee is only going to make you fat(ter)

Google Bulletproof coffee and have your mind blown by the claims of benefits that exist. It’s simply stunning people actually believe some of this shit.

LastPass, 1Password, and many other password managers have mobile apps as well as desktop versions!

I hesitate to label myself an expert, but as somebody who has been in infosec for over two decades I can tell you that anti-virus software isn’t in the top 5 because there are least 5 things that are more important, and not because people like myself don’t use it. There are still a lot of things that it can stop. If