Thank you, that’s very kind. All the medical professionals say I’m lucky to be alive, and if my sister had heard the bump and gone back to sleep, I’d have bled out on the floor.
Thank you, that’s very kind. All the medical professionals say I’m lucky to be alive, and if my sister had heard the bump and gone back to sleep, I’d have bled out on the floor.
When Jimmy Kimmel opened up about his newborn baby’s condition earlier this week, he also said “If your baby is going to die and it doesn’t have to, it shouldn’t matter how much money you make”. To most people, that sounds like a reasonable thing to say. Not so to former congressman Joe Walsh, who said “Sorry Jimmy…
Where would people get their cars washed?
Colleges are a business, so they’re never going to be tougher admissions-wise, especially in party schools, and they’re never going to actively work to combat this culture which is what draws a lot of high paying kids to college who otherwise wouldn’t go. Schools would lose millions of dollars. Not to be a downer, I’m…
Good. Time to stop the moronic trend of hardcore slob binge drinking on college campuses. “College” is not intended to be a place where you go to “learn how to drink”, that’s a TV/movie trope that’s just gone too far. College in this country needs to be far, far tougher...both academically and admissions-wise. Make it…
I hate when gossip blogs misrepresent shit like this.
Please, everyone who thinks he’s acting like a sulky, entitled douchebag, just take two minutes and watch the damn clip (which, for some reason, links instead to in the post)
I suppose that’s true. I figured him saying it on Graham Norton of all places would be a dead giveaway!
Context is everything
I watched the original interview and the article leaves out that all of this was said in a very light-hearted and facetious manner. He wasn’t seriously complaining about not being recognized. He was joking about it. I have fairly neutral opinions regarding Bacon but the article sort of misrepresents the interview.
When director and photojournalist Kate Brooks began filming The Last Animals, which premiered last month at the…
Not as much as “gusband.”
When it looks nice and isn’t overdone then nobody notices its there. I think ScarJo fixed her nose a little. Looks fantastic.
Kim Kardashian’s lips look like she stole someone else’s. They are seriously ugly now, and her speaking ability is equivalent to breaking in new shoes.
Especially since I remember she had a nice career going before getting married.
I don’t think it’s good to call people things that can so easily be changed in “chubby”. Also please don’t call your significant other “mother” or “father”, but that’s a whole different thing.
Ugh, Chris Rock is gross and should stop talking about how his ex-wife (and mother of his children) had no money of her own and how his new “girl” has “got dough of her own”. His ex deserves serious compensation for tolerating his insufferable, adulterous ego for 18 years.
And all those acronyms for pregnancy boards and the like: DH, DS, DD (dear hubby, son and daughter), LO (little one) and a bunch of others I can’t be assed to remember.
See also: “kiddos”