
Buy cheaper water bottles. Many people go the water bottle route because it is better for the environment, cheaper if you aren’t a dumb ass. and When I’m out at the zoo, I don’t want to pay $3 - $5 bucks for water bottle. It will save you money and aggravation unless you spend $40 on it and implode when it is lost day

I remember being thirsty *all the time* as a kid. The teacher would line us up at the water fountain and chant “1 2 3 that’s enough for me” and it was NEVER ENOUGH. Also “leave some for the fishes”, fuck the fishes, I’m thirsty!

At least Lindsey Graham has the ball to wear his hate on his sleeve and get tax cuts for the rich,

Good thing they have enough mayo.

Can cannibals get enough protein from a diet of nothing but dicks?

The warring factions in the GOP is seriously giving me life right now.

This morning on AM Joy, it was disclosed that Devin Nunes, (the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee) has his own ties to Russia. His vineyard’s distributor in Europe is a Russian oligarch/ friend- of- Vlad, and he didn’t disclose this. Conflict of interest much?

Alex Jones is probably the craziest media person out there. I know most of it is bull but Crazy Days and Nights had an absolutely bananas blind item about Alex Jones. It said that Joaquin Phoenix had to take out a restraining order against him because Alex Jones was convinced he was River Phoenix (his death had been

I read it as “we have a lot of things, a lot of Brexit, Devin Nunes had a press conference, 306, I got 306, Devin Nunes had a press conference, Devin Nunes had a press conference, I tweeted that, Devin Nunes had a press conference.”

I read the whole (unredacted) interview. I know we all know this, but...I just can’t believe this clown is POTUS.

What were the consequences if you didn’t? That’s the part you may not remember, but which is part of every solid parenting strategy. It may not be something you consider a “trick,” but getting a 6-year-old to remember to do something every single day without being reminded constantly or screwing up constantly

It’s a latent symptom of chronic and acute white male privilege: How dare someone call him out for anything as seemingly benign as a political stance that is at odds with anything remotely sane, responsible governance, and consideraton for humanity?

Those mean liberals won’t allow him to work in Hollywood. Oh wait - he’s got a low rated weekly shitcom that ABC inexplicably keeps on their schedule. So what, now, was he bitching about?

What crimes do liberals commit against their political opponents that are so fear-inducing and unreasonable?

Good to know there’s one guy out there who took THAT away from the article. It’s ok to be happy for someone and just leave it alone.

I just found some angelfire.com websites I made from 2003 still around.

I imagine he is very, very good at what he does.

So it’s basically like loving heavy metal!

The problem some write about and I suppose what I feel uncomfortable thinking about is why when a woman does something, it’s relates to sex, which is problematic as it confirms to the reductionary stereotype of women being primarily here to provide sex for men, or to represent being sexy. What I hear is that some men

And excellent reason to #StickToJazzFest, which is a non-profit.