
She obviously does not get what she did and STILL thinks the world revolves around her

I’ve always believed BOTH his elections were rigged. The first time they ever used those machines was in 2004 in five of he swing states Bush needed with a lot of the same players as the Florida debacle

Even though through strategic scrubbing of voter records + mechanical type ballots was the way Bush stole his first election, I truly believe those buggy systems were how he won the second. Fraud and cheat BOTH times!!!

I was gonna say that too. Like who are all these people talking about “senior photos” as if they're a thing. Before today, the only difference between your senior one and just a regular school one was the year.

What does it mean to “be” extra? I kinda understand, but what do you mean men specifically shouldn’t be afraid to “be extra”. Like sentimental or something?

His dramas are NOT good - they’re like the poor man’s philosopher trying (trying so so hard!) to sound deep. His comedies *can* be funny, but in context they’re a little disturbing - they all settle around an ugly but intelligent insecure man whose worries about his own self-worth turn him into a hyper-specialized

Worse than that - someone pulled the emergency cable - stopping the train (and all those using that track) for up to an hour while everyone was trapped there - in the dark - for more than hour - with the bugs.

Yes. She's making diamonds up her bunghole from stressing so hard about shit that doesn't matter, a.ka. Hamilton Nolan

I mean she's making diamonds in her butt for being so UPTIGHT

Are you, like, trying to take the place of Hamilton Nolan - I know we all miss his butthurt ways, but really, there are better things to grow diamonds around (ya get it? means you’re stressing. STAHP!)

“There she is.”


And yet they can and do vote... If ever anyone wants proof of how propaganda manipulates the gullible - here it is

It’s the greatest game of “I’m rubber, and you’re glue”

Sorry, darling. May an upside down cross bless your state capitol soon

Guys - I joined the Satanic Temple of New York - you should find out if you have a local chapter. These guys actively stage protests/hand out information/stay informed of all of the violations the religious right.

Okay A) I can honestly say I hate living in NYC, but I make just enough to get by, but not enough to be able to afford moving expenses...

Or marry him (oh, sorry, somebody’s already’s done that)

You're hiring? You must not yet be 30... My god I've fucked up my life ;-P

??? What's that supposed to mean. $30k in NYC is barely above food-stamp level poverty