I’ve seen shit like this a lot lately. Wearing my hair as it grows out of my head is “laziness”; choosing not to groom my pubic hair is “bold” or “defiant” (from a stupid buzzfeed style quiz); Having clean, unpolished toe nails are “brave”.
I’ve seen shit like this a lot lately. Wearing my hair as it grows out of my head is “laziness”; choosing not to groom my pubic hair is “bold” or “defiant” (from a stupid buzzfeed style quiz); Having clean, unpolished toe nails are “brave”.
This is real?!?
??? I thought gendering things that didn’t have a gender was something we were AGAINST. (head-slapping emoji) #SoConfused
Better —
It does make me feel unsafe, though. I mean, I guess I felt unsafe when I was younger, too (catcalling started as a teenager). But to see it all laid bare like this. It’s a frightening world out there. For someone like me, it is difficult to make sense of - why I’m on here, why I’m engaging.
Yes, I have been harassed, been treated unfairly at work - I’ve even been annoyed so much by someone who wanted to have sex with me that I relented just so he would stop asking.
What do you wonder? I can look here and see how dangerous it is for women. I have no idea why I haven’t been targeted or affected. I can also see that it’s only a matter of time before I will be assaulted. Statistically it is more probably that the man/men will be someone I know.
Yeah, that came out sounding wrong - I only meant that the statistics have exploded. Much scarier than when I was younger. Especially considering that it’s not strangers, but people you know nowadays.
Then, shit, I don’t know what to say. You’re right. Statistically, we should have all been raped by now.
No, I know that one of my friends was molested as a child (by her brother no less). I’m just saying as a friend group (5 of us that have known each other since our teens, we’re now in our late-30s, early-40s), we are statistic anomalies.
Really? That makes me sad :-(
But the awesome sex scenes make that a worthy comparison! I think she should be proud of it! It's sex for us smarties.
I'm a reader of the books, too. Never watched the show. Certainly surprised to see Jaime looking all effete in that photo, though. One thing that made him so hot was that I was always picturing him as some huge ginger hulk!
It’s a historical fiction novel based in small renegade camps in medieval Scotland. I haven't watched the television show. There are no blacks in the Scottish sections, but there's one section that takes them into southern Spain and parts of the Mideast and there are there.
You forget how much people respond the cheesy and overdone. Seems crazy to me, but some of the most saccharine, simple-minded sentiments often are the most praised.
I haven’t. I’m starting to think something’s wrong with me! None of my friends have been either. One friend was molested when young, though. It was a one time incident and I don’t think she feels “permanently scarred”.
I feel left out when these conversations come up. I’ve had shitty guys in my life and catcalls, but no assault. One of my close friends had though... Just, it always seemed rare growing up. Today, they read the statistics and statistically I SHOULD have been/raped/molested/assaulted... But I haven’t. Is my mind…
There are a lot of different kinds of white people. I come from a left-leaning (like eccentric left-leaning, SUPER left-leaning) family. My dad used to tell me about revolts and uprisings and multiple times the government marched people out, bombed them, poisoned them deliberately - all very true and very evil…
As your dear sister white person, just don’t start acting foolish like Macklemore or we’ll have to ex-communicate you from the White community!
I guess because they don't protest more? Or public ally acknowledge that being white allowed their project to come to the attention of whomever first over somebody with a darker skin tone or foreign-sounding name.