
Somehow these creationist don't have a problem with science when it illuminates their houses when they flip the light switch , or tune into duck dynasty or get in their car and drive somewhere. All those things are possible thanks to science. You know what your bronze age deity brings you.. SQUAT.

I don't get this show. Next week we get to meet Tahlia al Guhl's sister? Why are we meeting relatives of people in comics. It makes no sense to me.

More bullshit. TV is broadcast 720p effectively. By the time your cable or satellite company gets done with 1080p has all the fidelity of 720p. 4k broadcast.... not for a decade. Maybe if you have FIOS you're getting something better , but even then I doubt it.

I just can't get my head around the "controversy" of photoshop. Advertising isn't real. Don't all adults know this? People are fatter than ever so its obviously not affecting very many people. All women can't be Kate Moss. That's why she gets paid so much. She won the genetic lottery. Just try to be your best self.

Here's my problem with the whole premise. The "time war" happens across time, therefore its always happening. What difference does it make when you are, the effects should always be around you. The Daleks, a species with no opposable thumbs are able to breed and build endless amounts of Daleks as well as space crafts

Stop smoking the crack! This movie sucked. The 6 armed Martians weren't capable of expressing themselves enough to carry as large a part in the movie that they had. The dog thing, was poorly designed. The focus of the film was all over the the place. I could literally feel my life energies being sapped away from my as

The boob window isn't nearly as bad as the ever rising panty lines on the costumes. Its getting into Borat territory with the leg holes.

Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll take the whole state with it.

Its going to make a fabulous apartment. NYC doesn't have a viable art scene anymore. It's a place where artist sell work, not make it. Like a giant art fair.

The feds build everything like its a cruise missile. They spread as much money around as possible to as many vendors as possible. Its not a good way to build software. Also name another website that was going to be accessed by millions of people on day one. I can't think of one. Most sites start out small and grow

3d printing is great for prosthetics. Also great for small impossibly complicated props or props that are machined (ray guns etc.).

I have a theory. Cartoon Network makes more off of merchandizing their own properties than DC's.

Baby boomers =The vast majority of Reagan Democrats. Boomers like to associate themselves with the counter culture but the vast majority were assimilationists.

Don't kid yourselves boomers.... you gave us Reagan and 30 years of reactionary policies. We work longer and harder than our parents and the concept of a retirement is becoming a pipe dream. Whatever they may have done from 1967 -1979 was quickly undone during the 80s. All the advantages of a low cost education and

During the ice age the coast was roughly 80 miles further out from where it is now. There's probably plenty of artifacts under the ocean.

Doom Patrol was first re-booted in the 70s with Robotman in a new body, Tempest , Negative Woman and the wife of the old leader.

for $100 more , you could get a rebel.

I saw it saturday. It was an ok amusement park ride. Some things I can't let go of for being straight up retarded:

Maker bot blows. Deltamaker is much better.

WooHoo.... LA is safe. Just loosing some tragic beaches.